Talkative Mercury aligns with trendsetter Uranus which can bring some innovative ideas and solutions into the mix.
This is a great aspect for problem solving as we may come up with answers that have eluded us for some time. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 15th June 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 15th June 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With Venus forging a link with asteroid Ceres, home and family matters may be seen in a new and more supportive light. Been under pressure lately, Aries? You might still be busy working things out, but the coming days can bring a sense of purpose to your affairs and spur you on to find solutions. This is also a good time to enjoy some self-care, as you truly deserve time out. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A delightful blend of energies involving Venus your guide planet, could coincide with a conversation that fills you with hope, Taurus. Someone's words could be like a balm that soothes your soul, especially if you are dealing with something that's taking a toll. After speaking with them, you may realize that things are not quite as bad as they seem, and a solution is possible.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Dealing with powerful issues, Gemini? It may be time to make decisions that could bring dynamic change into your life, and create breakthroughs in key areas. All this looks very positive, even if it means letting go of things that you've become attached to. Yet the thought that you're making space for wonderful new possibilities can be the very thing that spurs you on.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Have a lot on? Even so, you may be busy with other things, such as a project with a loved one or friend. With sweet Venus linking arms with asteroid Ceres, the pleasure you get from this could be that it strengthens your connection. Whoever it is, you might find the experience nurturing but also quite eye-opening, as it can pave the way for new developments over coming weeks.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While there are opportunities to enjoy yourself Leo, you might prefer to deal with an issue and work towards a constructive outcome. The more you work to tackle it, the happier you'll be, as you revel in the challenge of finally getting it done. This can be a rewarding time when a successful outcome is likely. The result of this may be that your priorities change dramatically.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Someone may have just the right words to encourage you on, but you might find their company heart-warming too. Whether they are a friend or a romantic partner, their influence can allow you to feel really good, while also boosting your morale. Plus, the Moon's angle with Mercury in a prominent zone, encourages you to act on an intuitive nudge to secure a golden opportunity.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A task can be heavy going, in that a lot of work is required. But if you're enthusiastic about the results, then it will be worthwhile. With Venus in you sector of goals linking to asteroid Ceres, you could derive great satisfaction from doing the best job you can. Mind, you'll do even better if you think out of the box rather than go with the tried and trusted, which may be the key to success.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Keen to get a project finished? Adopting the right mindset could be key to completing it on time. If you've despaired of ever getting it done, a change in your thinking from might-do to can-do, may make all the difference. With dynamic Mars your co-ruler powering through your sector of goals and ambitions, you would benefit from keeping your focus on all that is great about you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to seize an opportunity that needs some courage? It may be down to the presence of Mars in Leo that you're considering it in the first place. It might require you to learn new skills, but this is something you often quite enjoy. Need a solution to an awkward issue? Your horoscope reveals that it could be found by reducing the situation to its basics. Forget about anything too complex, as simple is best.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have a lot to contend with, but there is no need to push yourself to the limit, Capricorn. Is a decision required? If so, some reflection might help you better assess your situation. But do give yourself credit where it is due, and treat yourself to something you deserve. Plus, a delightful Venus aspect suggests someone's company could be just the ticket to feeling much happier.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As fiery Mars continues its journey through Leo and your sector of relating, the romance factor can ramp-up. Have someone in mind? You may be ready to reveal your feelings by making a magnanimous or even a theatrical gesture, that leaves them in no doubt. A gentler aspect could find you eager to reorganize your home so that it's as eco-friendly as it can be, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A developing friendship could be something special, as this person may be like a breath of fresh air, and a fabulous listener. Something about them might inspire confidence, and you'll sense that if you ever have any issues, this is one person you can share them with. Ready to get more done? Mars in your lifestyle zone could help you zip through your to-do list and enhance energy too.