The Sun's tie to elusive Neptune can aid in bringing an imaginative idea to life in a grounded and practical way.
It is an opportunity to explore a creative project that channels our vision of beauty and brings it to life before our eyes. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 9th May 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 9th May 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your desires can either take you forward in life or hold you back, and with lovely Venus making a critical angle to your point of destiny, the coming days can be a time of decision. What do you need to let go of so that you can take advantage of a new opportunity? If you are tempted to hang onto the past, then think about the consequences. Something needs to go Aries, so best just let it.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Other people's beliefs and ideas may seem to drown out your own thoughts on key issues. But perhaps this is because you have been reluctant to share them. If something is that important, then you may worry that other people will criticize you, which could be quite hurtful. Even so, speaking your truth may now be a step forward and a part of loving who you really are Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be bonded to your friends, there could be some who come with a price tag. And regarding a certain someone, you may feel it is time that you cut ties, especially if you no longer feel that great in their company. If you've had history together, this may not be as easy as it should be Gemini. And yet with sociable Venus making critical links, your horoscope reveals that you may sense the time has come.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
No matter which way you look at it Cancer, you may know deep down that there are people in your life who are holding you back. And if so, this issue needs to be addressed, especially if destiny is calling and you know that now is the time for you to move forward. You don't have to end the relationship completely, but it needs to be made clear that you won't be stopped now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The current position of asteroid Vesta, may have made you more aware that you do have a calling. It doesn't have to be anything grandiose, but if you feel a kinship with a cause or idea, then don't dismiss it. Aspects of your lifestyle such as your job or other activities, may prevent you from doing as much as you might. If this is a problem, you can feel moved to remedy it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be asked to do something that doesn't quite chime with you, and that could create tension. If you really feel uncomfortable about this Virgo, it may be best to say no, even if it means disappointing a good friend. It is possible they don't realize your views on this matter. Therefore, a soulful chat can put them in the picture, and still leave you on the best of terms.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With lovely Venus your guide, in a critical position regarding your point of destiny, you may be aware of how important it is to choose your company wisely. However, you can't choose your family, and if you have experienced some ups and downs in this regard, then feelings can build in intensity. Perhaps it is a call to set firmer boundaries, as unless you do Libra, nothing will change.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As the Moon links with asteroid Juno in your sector of travel and adventure, an encounter may seem to have a very soulful quality that marks this person out in some way. You may feel like you have known them forever, even if it is only a very short time. Where do you go from here? If you are on a trip or a course of study, then staying in touch may seem like the natural thing to do.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Fiery Mars in your sector of relating, continues to face off with jovial Jupiter in your sign. And although this aspect is fading, it can still seem that someone is trying to sell you an idea or persuade you of something. They may be wasting their time though Archer, as with Jupiter rewinding, you may be even further from coming around to their point of view than you were.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Slowing down and appreciating the small things of life, like the smell of a flower, the feel of the breeze on your face or the taste of delicious foods, can allow you to feel satisfied and perhaps more at peace with yourself. A dreamy aspect suggests letting go of those plans and situations that you can't control, and allowing yourself to flow with life as it naturally unfolds Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While you may feel it is your duty to speak out on a key issue, experience can prevent you from doing so, and it is this that might cause you to stay quiet. With lovely Venus and asteroid Vesta forging an angle to your point of destiny though, not saying anything might go against something you deeply believe in and need to communicate. What would bring most peace of mind Aquarius?
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As the Sun in your sector of communication aligns with Neptune in your sign, you may find it easy to empathize with someone and to intuit how they might be feeling. This can give you an advantage if you are negotiating or hoping to strike a bargain, even though you might not think about it in this way. This lovely line-up can also be perfect for a delightful evening out for two.