Horoscopes Thursday 7th December 2023

The Moon in Libra aligns with the Sun in Sagittarius, inspiring an harmonious day when we'll be at peace with ourselves.

This is a temporary aspect, but one that can encourage us to take up the offer of a trip or new experience. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thurday 7th December 2023 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 7th December 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There's a lot of positive energy in the air, despite Jupiter currently in reverse. While things might not have gone as planned, the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, could snap you out of any complacency. The Libra Moon encourages you to ask for help, and if you've put this off, today's line-up could help you see the futility of trying to manage the impossible on your own.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Moon in Libra means you'll be keen to look into matters of work and wellness, so book one or two pampering sessions as a treat. Key lunar ties suggest you'll also be ready to reflect on those lifestyle issues that truly matter, and to find ways to simplify things. Sort out those edgy issues now, and you'll have a lot more chance to enjoy some relaxation and festive fun, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Before you embark on a hobby, pastime or a creative project, consider how much it will cost. While friends may encourage you to go for it anyway as money isn't everything, it's wise to see if this is just a passing phase before spending serious cash. Plus, a potent link suggests that a dream or intuitive nudge could be a game changer if it encourages you to make a bold move.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be firing on all cylinders when it comes to your daily routines. Yet with a little planning, you'll easily get more done. Make the most demanding tasks a top priority, and it could be an opportunity to channel any pent-up emotions. Have lots to do around the workplace or your home? With a helpful strategy you'll smash it, and have time to spare for other things.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have logical reasons for feeling annoyed with someone, yet the Moon's connection with Chiron can see you empathizing with them instead and showing your caring side. In addition, Venus in Scorpio might encourage you to read between the lines so you can understand why they have been behaving as they have. Whatever's up, this is a good time to resolve it.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Mercury in Capricorn is excellent for knowing your own mind and accomplishing things that are important to you. Over the next couple of days, you'll get help from a fabulous Mercury/Jupiter aspect. This could encourage you to explore a business idea or pool resources with others to accomplish something you can't manage alone. If you work patiently, you'll get great results.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Need a trip so you can let go of tension and recharge your batteries? Do it, as it will leave you energized and ready for anything. In the mood to reminisce? If you have an urge to visit somewhere you haven't been in a while, you might enjoy it. On another note, a reunion could be a very warm and friendly affair that offers the chance to catch up and connect more frequently.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a focus on the subtle sectors of your chart, your horoscope suggests this can be an opportunity for one or more heart-to-heart conversations that could leave you or another feeling a great sense of relief. The Sun's link to Chiron suggests someone may have a secret to share Scorpio, or be keen to talk about confidential matters they're not able to discuss with anyone else, except you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A brainstorming session with a friend or partner could lead to ideas that leave you wondering why you never thought of them before. Perhaps you'll discover the flaws in a plan or find a way to solve a problem that's truly brilliant and brings lasting results. In another conversation, you may get a chance to grasp an opportunity that you missed. If so, make a stand and go for it!

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming days encourage you to explore the potential associated with new ideas and opportunities, rather than stick with the tried and trusted. Something you've been working hard at could begin to show promise, even if it's been a long time coming. New developments may also emerge that reveal the potential for future growth. Keep going, don't stop now, Capricorn!

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The clock may be ticking down to a moment of decision, which might arrive in a few days at the time of the New Moon. Uncertain what your next move should be? The key can be to get a variety of perspectives and choose the one that feels right to you. Although very sociable, you can also be secretive. This might be one of those times when talking brings answers and relief.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You'll find it easier to be around some people rather than others. So, if you want a peaceful day, it's just as well to avoid anyone who could be a handful. A situation may be coming to a head, and you might not be sure how to deal with it. Have confidence that your instincts will help you resolve it and that you'll emerge victorious, despite any reservations you might have.

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