The Moon in Sagittarius opposes fiery Mars in Gemini so be prepared for minor conflicts and petty arguments.
While it can be difficult to accept others' opinions at least we can agree to disagree. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 4th March 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 4th March 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's Moon in Sagittarius and your sector of exploration, can be an opportunity to see the bigger picture, and to choose the direction that is best for you. At this time though Aries, your head may well follow wherever your heart leads. If you have a lot of ideas and information at your fingertips, then the coming days could help you gain a useful overview of what to do next. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Up and away may be your mantra Taurus, with your bold plans and major aspirations. A potent aspect puts you in high gear, and ready to take on projects you might never have attempted before. Is this what you want, or are you hoping to impress? Consider carefully what your motives are, as it could be time to focus on plans that showcase what's different about you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You love sampling information and discovering new things. But with fiery Mars continuing in your sign, this tendency is enhanced. It could be difficult to keep your focus, especially if you have tasks that demand concentration. The Moon in Sagittarius can see you pondering key connections and their significance to you. Need to clear the air? It may be unavoidable, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Peace of mind is a precious resource, which is why the focus on a spiritual sector can inspire you to learn techniques such as mindfulness or meditation, or to take up yoga. With the Moon in your lifestyle zone opposing Mars, an intuitive feeling that your time could be better managed, might encourage you to make changes. One small shift may free you up considerably, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
In a tricky situation with friends or a group? Taking sides may be the last thing you want to do, but with an edgy lunar tie on the go, you might not be able to resist. If this is a matter of principle, then you could wade in and add your voice to mix. What would this achieve? Standing up for your beliefs will send a message you are no push-over, and you'll be respected for doing so.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Mars is powering through Gemini, and acts as a catalyst for you to bring your brightest ambitions to life. But as the Moon opposes it from your home zone, you could feel the pull to lean into more domestic pursuits, which can last a couple of days. Bake a cake while you are thinking up your next strategic career or business move, or plan for your future while soaking in the bath.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may be exposed to lots of information, and be a veritable mine of knowledge. Yet an edgy aspect could find you defending certain beliefs quite vigorously. You might feel very strongly about something to the point where you can come across as being unreasonable. In a few days, you will likely feel less concerned Libra, and may wonder why you were so bothered.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Bright ideas may be brewing, and with a winning combination of planets in your home zone, you might be fired up and ready to act on them. If you're keen to give your place a complete makeover, then adding a few unique touches that chime with your interests, travels and taste in art, can give it extra sparkle. Watch spending though, as you could overextend your budget.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Have something to say? Go easy Archer, as your words could have more force than you think, even if you are trying to be helpful. With the Moon in your sign facing off with Mars in Gemini, something meant to reassure might come out wrong and cause upset, even if not intended. Whatever you want to communicate, your horoscope suggests you avoid being too blunt and opt for a more tactical approach.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Knowing when to offer advice and when to keep quiet, could mean you avoid irritating someone who has already made up their mind. Co-workers, family members or anyone you see on a day-to-day basis may look pensive, but might be weighing up the pros and cons, and working things out for themselves. What advice would you give yourself? Follow that, and you can blossom.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your pleasure zone is zestier than ever, with feisty Mars inspiring you to explore novel interests. You could be attracted to those who are great conversationalists, and anyone deeply interesting. Is someone proving a bit of a pest though? They may have feelings for you, and might be determined to tell you about it. If you want them to go away, you'll need to make this clear.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Delightful Venus in your sign, means you may feel like linking up with someone who shares your interests. Getting further involved might deepen your friendship with them, which could be of great benefit. Ready for positive change, Pisces? A bold and lively aspect in a spiritual zone, can coincide with a meeting that inspires you and pushes you to tap into your hidden potential.