It may be the last day of April, but it is also the last day that Mercury is in Taurus this year before it ingresses into Gemini, one of its two home zones, tomorrow. With the Moon moving into Libra later today, an Air element vibe starts to shape up.
However this apart, the heavens are remarkably similar to yesterday, with the Sun's fine link to Neptune, which has been ongoing all week, absolutely perfect. We can use all this to spend time thinking about healing and helping.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Shopping off the beaten track could be rewarding if you're looking for something different. If you're drawn by handmade items or quality craftsmanship, be willing to persevere. Plus, if your daily routine seems somewhat stale today, Venus's influence encourages you to cut yourself some slack and go have fun.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Sun Neptune link hints that charity begins at home. Be careful of allowing others to impose on you, particularly if they are experts at playing on your sympathies. Meanwhile, a Moon Saturn link might encourage you to make better use of your money. Today, a wise investment could bring excellent returns in the future.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Venus in your sign can help offset any relationship snafus associated with a close partnership or friendship. Your willingness not to take offence could make the difference between a fun day and an average one. Even so, pursuing social connections brings benefits all round. The more you put in, the more you'll get out!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may have access to more support than you thought, as a lively focus on your social sector suggests friends are only too willing to chip in and lend a hand where necessary. In addition, the chance of fun in relaxed company may be too good to pass by, particularly if you're part of a diverse and interesting group.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Be careful if handling negotiations or talking about complex issues, as the Sun Neptune link can confuse matters. Though things may seem straightforward you might benefit from carefully checking the details and the small print. Pleasingly, today's Saturn connection could motivate you to complete a long overdue task.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Chances are you'll enjoy the company of others, particularly if you get to explore new opportunities along the way. A focus on adventure also suggests you'll be thrilled at how exhilarating life becomes when you take a leap of faith. Just because something is new, doesn't mean you should hold back. Be bold, Virgo!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Are you canny with finances or inclined to splash out? If so, it will pay to be careful if you're considering a big-ticket item. Current influences hint that it's best to research your options first – or should you decide to make a major purchase, to keep the receipt. Later today, a group gathering could prove to be fun.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone who understands you may be keen to act as a coach or mentor regarding a goal or plan. If you're not confident enough to make a start, then their practical advice could be all the motivation you need. Romance wise, an upbeat evening is possible if you've arranged a date, or are hoping to sparkle with someone new.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If confronted with an awkward situation, try to keep your cool and you can handle it brilliantly. A Moon Saturn link encourages poise and thoughtfulness in your interactions, and this might make an impressive difference. Unique solutions could also surface, and along with your imagination, provide some very creative ideas.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If a talent has so far remained undeveloped, you could gain great satisfaction from exploring ways to tap into it and put it to good use. Admiring other people's work might also help to motivate you now. A Neptune link can also coincide with an encounter that has an aura of mystery and potential romance about it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A lunar link with Saturn suggests you could experience a feeling of nostalgia, or a blast from the past. You may get an intuitive nudge to look up old friends, or perhaps a call from one of them comes out-of-the-blue. If so, there's a chance a conversation could lead to a collaboration concerning an idea or project.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Though inspired ideas seem to be on the rise, it may be wise to check a few things out before you go ahead. Otherwise, a project could end up wasting your time and energy leaving you mired in confusion and uncertainty. There's hope too, as useful information might help clarify matters and see you storming ahead.