Horoscopes Thursday 29th March 2018

As sociable Venus merges with restless Uranus an encounter may have a certain sparkle and could add something special to the days ahead.

It is also possible that we might benefit from a small financial gain that arrives unexpectedly, but that may be very welcome. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 29th March 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 29th March 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may need to take the lead regarding a certain matter. The Moon in Virgo, and its positive ties, can make this easier though. Even so, with expressive Mercury continuing to rewind, it can be just as well to double check your work Aries, to avoid any glitches. Another lively aspect hints at an exciting rendezvous that could add a little sizzle to the coming days and leave you upbeat. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With lovely Venus, your guide planet, aligning with electric Uranus in a private sector, an unexpected encounter could boost your spirits. They may share something that moves you deeply or that helps you to see an issue in a new light. If you have been impatient with yourself for not taking a step forward sooner, then their perspective could prove very reassuring Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may want to keep your feelings private, but your horoscope hinst that someone you have spoken to could accidentally say too much. With lively Mercury rewinding in your social zone, this matter may already be common knowledge among friends. Would it be such an issue though? You may find that others' perspectives are not the same as yours and that because of their advice, a solution is possible.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may have to handle a conflict with someone who isn't on your wavelength, which could make the coming days rather awkward. There is a lot to be said for trusting your instincts though, as doing so could help you to navigate through this situation and come out of it ahead. It may be helpful not to listen too much to what they say Cancer, but to observe carefully what they do.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A sparkling tie between delectable Venus and restless Uranus, can coincide with an invite to experience something new. This can add a lighter note to the coming days and give you something to think about other than the responsibilities you have ahead of you. And if the lively energies of Mercury and its rewind should coincide with a detour or surprise, even this can prove enjoyable.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon in your sign aligning positively with feisty Mars and the cautious Saturn, you may be keen to prove a point about something you feel passionate about. There may be those who think that your views aren't valid, but the way you feel today, you might relish proving them wrong. On another note, your compassionate side may be called into play should a friend need help.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be delighted that someone has chosen to share an idea or opportunity with you, especially if it is unexpected. It could make this more exciting if you can pursue this together though. In addition, with the Moon opposing nebulous Neptune, you may feel it is your duty to help someone out. Think again though, as it is very possible Libra, that they can help themselves more.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Someone could disrupt your routine with a call or visit. But in this instance, you might not mind at all. It could make a pleasant distraction from what you had planned, and might also be an opportunity to catch up with each other. There may be intense discussions on the cards though, if you are arranging something important. Whatever it is could take a lot of preparation Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Keeping an open mind could allow you to tap into a playful energy that can assist you with creative solutions, or that might leave you feeling more at ease in a developing romance. Concerning worldly goals though, trusting your feelings could allow you to accomplish more. Although logic, of course is important, you may get an intuition that can help you move further faster.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon opposing dreamy Neptune in your sector of communication, you may find it easy to tune into others' moods, but they too might sense what you're thinking. If there is something you are mulling over that you are not saying, then others may have guessed it. Being open about this issue might be wise, as it can stop further talk and allow you to fully explain yourself.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As sociable Venus aligns with Uranus in your sector of communication, someone may surprise you with some news or with an invite that you can't refuse. And this could add a cheerier note to the coming days, especially if certain issues have been playing on your mind and you need a respite. A chance to chat and to enjoy some good company could do you the world of good.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Whatever you may feel about an opportunity, it can be helpful to get another opinion. With both lively Mercury and upbeat Jupiter rewinding in your chart, you may have your doubts if you have tried something similar before and it didn't work out. If your instincts and important people are urging you on, then you likely have nothing to lose Pisces, even if it does seem daunting.