Horoscopes Thursday 28th September 2017

With the Moon in Capricorn making a harmonious aspect to expansive Jupiter, we may feel confident and keen to venture out into new territory.

Today can be an opportunuty to move beyond any perceived limits and perhaps to accomplish more than we thought possible. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 28th September 2017 please see below…

Horoscope Thursday 28th September 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may decide it's time to give your all to a goal or career plan, and it might be because dynamic Mars, your ruler, moves to liaise with potent Pluto in your zone of ambition. If you'd felt ambivalent about an opportunity that recently showed up, you might now realize its full potential. And with Pluto turning direct from today, this can really help to prime you for success. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As expansive Jupiter in your lifestyle zone ties with electrifying Uranus in a private sector, you may find your spirits lifted and that compared to previous days when you may have felt less enthusiastic, you now feel more upbeat. This is very much a time to keep your plans flexible and to be alert to any intuitive nudges, as the opportunity you've been hoping for could soon arrive.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If aspects of your life seem rather run-of-the-mill, then this can be a good time to start something new. In fact, it's possible that an opportunity could show up today or over coming days that can leave you in high spirits. You may need to persevere once the initial excitement is over, but once you realize how much enjoyment it brings you, you may wish you had begun sooner.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of relating can be an opportunity to check that a partner or someone close thinks the same way as you, as your ideas may have changed since a recent discussion. If your plans are already underway, then a pause now to reassess and to consolidate progress can allow you to make vital adjustments and perhaps to compromise if needed.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The scintillating line-up between flamboyant Jupiter in your sector of communication and restless Uranus in your adventure zone, can coincide with a decision to travel and explore new horizons. Doing so might result in some wonderful experiences. But there is a deeper current running through your chart that can see you gaining financially by offering a skill or service.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Do you feel you are in a more relaxed and romantic phase? The cosmos is encouraging you to ease off the accelerator and allow others to do things for you for a change. This could all change very quickly though, as a potent aspect can add a compulsive element to a budding alliance or a creative outlet. If this takes hold, achieving your hoped for outcome can seem more urgent.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It can seem that someone is trying to undermine you and your ideas by subtly critiquing your plans. What they might not know is that you have thought long and hard about what you intend to do, and have likely paid attention to any intuitive nudges, giving you a sound platform from which to act. Therefore, have no worries about defending yourself for you are worth it.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The universe encourages you to channel any feelings of restlessness into an energetic task or vigorous exercise, as doing so can allow you to experience a sense of calm, and from this to be able to listen to the inspiration and guidance that flows from within. Indeed, your horoscope reveals that a dream or intuitive hunch has the potential to change your life over coming days.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

One relationship may seem to have a fated quality as if it was somehow destined to be, and the chances are that this person appeared in your life in a very natural and spontaneous way. However, even if other relationships seem to pale by comparison, this isn't a reason to give less of your time to those who are a mainstay of your life, as you may need their support Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Even smaller success can seem like big triumphs, and especially if you have felt discouraged over recent days. But this mood can quickly change by the weekend when a new and very determined influence can see you stepping up to the plate and tackling edgy issues once and for all. This change of heart might surprise you, but others will likely see it as your true self back in play.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You could find yourself in conflict with someone you usually get along with. And, if you are busy you will likely want to sort this out as soon as possible. A pushy approach though, could lose their cooperation, but a more flexible and supportive attitude may work better. You might find that what seemed a problem quickly becomes an easy walk to a positive outcome.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you'd felt rather complacent about someone's success, then you could change your tune over coming days as feelings become more intense. It is possible that a note of jealousy or tones of resentment could temporarily mar your peace. Don't let them, instead consider channelling this energy into a worthy project that you have been planning or is in motion already.