Horoscopes Thursday 28th March 2019

Logical Mercury turns direct today after its three week retro phase, so if we have experienced delays they may begin to ease now.

Even so, it is best to avoid making any commitments for a few days until Mercury is more established in its forward trajectory. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 28th March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 28th March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Quarter Moon in a key position, the next day or so could see you speaking out regarding an idea that you may have kept under wraps until now. Although you might have doubts about how it will be received by certain people, Mercury's forward motion from today suggests that the time for action is close at hand. You could gain by sharing your views with the right people. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Because of today's lunar tie angling towards the Sun in a secluded zone, you can find yourself at a crossroads and wondering whether to tread a familiar route or to venture into uncharted territory. How much are you willing to risk regarding a positive opportunity? If you are driving out of your comfort zone with this one and there is no reason to stop, then keep going.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There are times when small challenges can be a blessing in disguise. And the coming days may spotlight one such issue. The obstacle that presents itself is likely nothing you can't handle, yet may be big enough to encourage your resourceful side to emerge Gemini. Your horoscope reveals that the very act of handling it and succeeding may present you with a good offer you really won't want to miss.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Lively energies hint at exciting exchanges over coming days which could net you a new friend or encourage you to join an interesting group. With Venus moving to make a delightful angle to energizing Uranus, one of these could have romantic potential or turn into a unique friendship. As talkative Mercury pushes forward from today, any delays to travel plans may melt away.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although the current Venus Uranus aspect suggests an unexpected offer could show up, will you be able to handle the extra workload involved? Think about this carefully before you make a binding commitment. With a Quarter Moon in your lifestyle sector today, think about your present commitments, as it might be better to give yourself less to do rather than a lot more Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Today's powerful lunar phase suggests you may be excited to take an idea further, based on the strength of your feelings about it. In fact, if you have already had some success in this area, then the cosmic indications are that things could get even better. Mercury's forward trajectory suggests that despite lingering reservations, you may find it to be a life-changing experience.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The focus on your work and lifestyle sector is further enhanced with sweet Venus journeying through, adding a congenial note to everyday interactions and relationships with co-workers. Yet although this blend of energies hints at a fruitful few weeks, there is a suggestion that it's best not to take on more than you can handle just because you would like to impress someone.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your pleasure plans may sparkle with Venus presently in your recreational sector, adding to the lively ambiance. Yet although this can coincide with more outings or romantic opportunities, it can also encourage a playful approach to life, especially if you've had a lot on your plate. If you can involve a good friend or your partner in your leisure activities, then so much the better.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Today's Quarter Moon can encourage you to check the cost before booking a pleasure trip or enjoying other recreational experiences. It is just as well, as if you can find something similar at a cheaper price, you could make quite a saving. Plus, with expressive Mercury pushing forward in your domestic sector, you'll soon know what to do regarding a perplexing issue.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As Venus ties with Uranus in your sector of relating, it can encourage varied opinions. Is this necessarily a bad thing, though? You might find that such diverging perspectives generate discussions that can be very positive. And whether your talks concern a personal matter or something in the news, you may find such encounters enlivening and be eager for more.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As the planet of co-operation moves further into your sector of personal resources, the realisation may dawn of just how helpful others have been and how certain plans may not have materialised without them. If so, this could be a time when you're keen to show your appreciation. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture Aquarius, just something that lets them know you are truly grateful.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Venus now in your sign, you may be focused on those relationships and plans that hold the most value for you. And after all the assistance you've given others, this is as it should be. Don't feel guilty about asking questions or checking out the details of someone else's idea, especially if you have offered to help them. You don't want to be given more to do than is necessary Pisces.