The Sun goes alongside Neptune. In a broad sense, this continues to the middle of next week. Imagination can be fertile, dreams vivid, but physical vitality can drop, and confuse rise.
Fortunately, Mercury continues in the logical Aquarius to offset some of the potential for any confusion, lethargy or distortion. But if you are considering anything serious, do treble check the details. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 25th February 2016 please see below..
Horoscopes Thursday 25th February 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Two options to resolving a personal issue may emerge for you. On the one hand friends might offer you a smorgasbord of advice and tips, ones that you may pick and choose from as you will. However, on the other, as Mercury draws closer to Uranus you might find that a little lateral thinking enhances your creativity, producing a solution that's tailored to your needs. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The sense that new directions excite can be resonating within. However, if things are going to be really different then your tactics and planning need to be good. And you don't have to make any bold moves right away, though. Instead, why not start small and persevere. Once you feel more at ease about stepping further out of your comfort zone, it will all get easier.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Over the days ahead it's going to be essential that you fulfil your commitments. However, you may need to dig down and make a sterling effort to do so, as unexpected events, obstacles or even a feeling of lassitude might all conspire to hit your focus, Gemini. Even so, see your reputation as something that is non-negotiable around, so do your utmost.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although logically you may know that certain fears are without substance, the current planetary backdrop can make it difficult to shake them off. It likely doesn't help that you're so sensitive to others' feelings, and therefore you may be picking up on their moods too. Little things like a gentle country walk or a relaxing bath can help you feel more grounded.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Exploring new ways to resolve social or relationship issues is a good move, Leo. Indeed, a fresh approach could rekindle the spark in an ongoing association too, or enable a friendship to further deepen. Even so, ties to the convivial Libra Moon over the next couple of days, suggests you may need to go to extremes to accommodate a certain person's wishes.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although performing acts of kindness for those you're closest to may be your preferred way of showing how much you care, it may not be enough for one person in your life. You may need to overcome any awkwardness you have around sharing your feelings directly, as they could be disappointed if they don't hear it personally from your own lips.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're trying to put to one side a recent trying issue, then Mercury's tie with both Saturn and Uranus suggests that being with friends and involving yourself in upbeat activities can certainly help. The question is for how long? Other more soulful influences hint that accepting what you cannot change may bring a measure of comfort, so try to be philosophical.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It's one thing spotting someone's weaknesses, and quite another to use such information to your advantage, even if in an apparently harmless way. If you're keen for your relationship with someone to develop further, then try to put such thoughts to one side. Otherwise they could pick up on what you're doing and become more reticent.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Pretending that you haven't noticed an awkward silence or the atmosphere in a room can be one way to skirt around a tricky family issue, but is unlikely to be a lasting solution. And though you may try your hardest to navigate through this by distracting everyone's attention, you might be better to provoke a discussion and get everyone talking.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You might find it helpful if you take an impersonal view of certain events. However, in practice this could be difficult as despite your best efforts it may be all too easy to become more emotionally involved. This may not be so bad if you're dealing with friends or family, but if it's a formal situation, feelings could get in the way of your clarity of thought.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be times when you don't feel quite as self-assured as usual over the days ahead. However, try not to let this affect you overly. If a friend has a great idea that they'd like to involve you in, don't allow this temporary lack of self belief to influence your decision – as it may actually be worth your while to get more fully involved. See the big picture.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Sometimes it can be difficult knowing if an idea has real merit or not. Indeed, over the days ahead you may be hard-pressed to make any such distinction. The solution could be to ask trusted and more experienced friends who might be able to spot any pitfalls or advantages. Focus on your desires so that once you've made your choice, you can energise the process.