Today’s Horoscopes Thursday 24th December 2015

Mercury is the main player today, and with the Moon also in Gemini, the sign it rules, communication is key. There is a very exuberant link with Jupiter, but also an edgy one still with Mars. 

Spirits can be high, but continue to choose words with care. There could be a tendency for us to get caught up on the moment this Christmas Eve, and then say or do something we later regret, so discretion is key. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 24th December 2015 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Now that Christmas Eve is here, excitement may be palpable. With a communicative blend of energies enhancing festive cheer you might find that lending a helping hand is not so much work as play. However, a kind gesture made by you today may do more to revive someone's spirits and opinion of you than you might realize.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Today's merry atmosphere can see you getting last-minute provisions in and tackling those final chores. Indeed Venus's tie to Jupiter adds a positive note, with your interactions filled with genuine warmth and cheer. Nevertheless, an old friend of yours may need some encouragement if you're to get together for a reunion.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be looking for something a little out of the ordinary to enliven your day. Indeed, today's Moon Uranus tie could well bring some exciting news or information that boosts your spirits. Furthermore, you might get an early gift from someone who knows exactly what you need – perhaps more than you do yourself. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although the planetary backdrop brings opportunities to socialize with friends or family members, a part of you may want to withdraw to get your bearings. The days ahead will likely be full-on Cancer, so if needed, opt for such a moment of a respite. This can recharge and revive you, so you can give your all to tomorrow.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If the smells of spices and baking are evident in your household, you may be in the throes of getting your place ready for guests. With Christmas Eve finally here, any tireless efforts you've put in can be much in evidence. The Moon in light-hearted Gemini suggests it's now time to unwind and begin to enjoy yourself.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you're finding stray bits of glitter in your hair and over the carpet, it means you're getting into the spirit of things in a big way, Virgo. Indeed, you may show few signs of slowing down just yet. However, leave space in your schedule today for unexpected visitors, as there may be a pleasant surprise on its way to you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Having trouble deciding on those last-minute presents? If so, a tie between Venus and Jupiter suggests that your first thoughts may be the right ones. And if the gift is to someone who you're very keen to impress, then don't over think it. If you get a real tingle of excitement at the idea you have, you're probably spot on.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may have a long list of people to see and things to do, but any sense of camaraderie can make it all seem worthwhile. Even if you have to tackle some burdensome or difficult tasks, the Yule vibe can certainly help. If you hear from someone from your distant past, it could prove to be the icing on the cake.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Moon's tie with Mars may coincide with a call from someone you very much admire. Even though you'll probably have your hands full, it can make for a decidedly upbeat interlude. Nevertheless, Venus continuing in a secluded part of your chart suggests, such a conversation can give you a real inner and warming glow.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your dry wit can come into play and if you spot an opportunity to lighten up a situation or to add a little bit of spirited cheer to the proceedings, you likely will. Although you can be serious and sometimes reserved, one of your greatest gifts is your sense of fun. This can help also to fend off any anxieties around the arrangements.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A bright idea could lift you and especially if you've had an issue to deal with that's been a cause of angst. This may come from within or from someone close, but it can help. The suggestion of a solution could be quite a relief. As Mercury and Jupiter link, look beyond appearances around any love or relationship issues.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's brief but positive planetary trine between the Moon and Mars suggests you'll be willing to stand your ground if necessary, particularly when it comes to matters of home and family. It's an opportunity to use your personal skills in a way that can bring everyone together whilst being honest and direct, if needed.