The dynamic planet Mars moves into the charismatic sign of Leo from today where it can stir up our creativity for the coming six weeks or so.
As this focus might also be linked with pleasure options and romantic notions, we may have an opportunity to rekindle a hobby or add sparkle to a key bond. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 20th July 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 20th July 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As feisty Mars your guide planet moves into Leo and a dynamic sector of your chart, you may feel like getting out more, enjoying life and relishing recreational activities. And this phase will be enhanced within a couple of days as the Sun enters the same zone. As a result of this, your creativity could be enhanced, and there may be options for friendships or a romance to emerge. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If recent days have seen you planning to make modifications to your home, then a shift in focus over the coming six weeks can see you getting into action. Your domestic sector can be a hive of industry and enjoyably so. At the same time, a revelation might see you making changes to your plans Taurus, particularly if you sense that it might be better to follow your heart on a key issue.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the Moon in your sign linking to the upbeat qualities of Jupiter and convivial Venus, you might opt for the easiest way to get things done, which can help your day pan out in a more relaxed way. But there is a more compelling influence developing, which could see you becoming very infused with a bold idea that might transform your life for the better over coming weeks.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may be ready to tackle your finances and perhaps to make a clean sweep. This might involve getting to grips with any issues that have been pending and finding new ways to get better value for your money. But, with the expansive qualities of Jupiter angling towards potent Pluto for the third time, an idea you've been working towards could soon come to fruition Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may begin to feel more upbeat as Mars the planet of action moves into your sign. The coming six weeks or so might coincide with changes that you have been keen to initiate for some time. And if you should have lingering reservations, taking those first steps might help you to have more confidence in your judgement while nudging you out of your comfort zone Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Dreams can become more vivid as the focus on a more secluded sector of your chart stirs up deeper thoughts and feelings. These night reveries can be an opportunity to discover how you really feel about certain issues in your life. And, writing down any memorable scenes could bring useful guidance your way that might help you to make some significant decisions Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
From today, the social tempo can speed up, providing a happy beat that you may enjoy. With stirring Mars moving into Leo there can be much to look forward to, and plenty of friends to share events and occasions with. If you have travel plans, current influences suggest that any trips you make can be a pleasant experience and it may be down to the company involved Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As the focus on your sector of goals is energized from today for the coming six weeks or so, this influence can see you putting in the necessary effort to get moving on a key plan. But there is also a more intensive aspect developing that could encourage you to follow an intuitive nudge. It may contradict your present thinking, but it could open up new possibilities for you Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your horoscope suggests you may have many opportunities to take off and explore, whether you're travelling abroad or going on a day trip. The coming six weeks can see you very much in your element and revelling in the spirit of adventure. Even so, before you head off into more enticing terrain, you may need to sort out a key issue even if it might be easier to forget about it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If it seems you have missed out on a key opportunity this year, then the present set-up suggests this might not be the case at all. Over the coming weeks it could come around again and you might feel moved to push for the golden prize. An upbeat focus on a sensitive zone hints that you can do well if you're willing to let go of limiting beliefs and focus on reaching higher Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It can seem a decision is all yours to make, and bearing in mind a restless angle between the Sun and Uranus, it may be tempting to jump at the first option that shows up. However, as stirring Mars enters your sector of relating, someone could have clear cut advice if you're willing to take it. It may not be quite what you expected, but it could encourage you to consider others' views.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in your domestic sector linking to Venus and Jupiter, the day ahead can see you indulging in some down time, or enjoying a get-together at your place. Equally, with a dynamic focus on your lifestyle zone lasting for the next six weeks, a desire to get aspects of your life in order could motivate you to reorganize your routines so that you can be much more productive.