Dogmatism can be an issue with Mars continuing in conflict to Jupiter. With the general election campaign in full flourish here in the UK, all the political parties are hyping their agenda's but will any of them stick to them if they are voted in? This sort of hubris may be typical of any kind of election, but equally if you find yourself in polite company, conversations about this or religion might be worth steering clear of too, well, at least if anyone seems bent on taking an evangelical position.
With Venus also directly in opposition to Saturn still and Mercury in-conjunct with Saturn itself, knowledge, ideas and opinions all need to be tempered by factuality and humility, where ever possible. Someone may seem intent on taking the higher moral ground, but the Pisces Moon for virtually the whole of the day, urges us to go with the flow.
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your desire to fulfil a dream can seem noticeably stronger now that it's within reach. With Mercury and Mars in Taurus you may be keen to invest time and money, and also ready to put the pressure on yourself to get results. As Venus links with Saturn, don't let doubts stop you in your tracks – remain confident and keep edging forwards.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You can feel renewed optimism, perhaps encouraging a bolder stance concerning a plan of yours. If you have something exciting in mind, it might be best to start by tackling it in stages to keep your enthusiasm fresh. Later on fears around making an important decision can be overcome by just doing it right away.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may feel a bit frustrated by any lack of progress. Yet this could be down to Venus's potent association with Saturn, which could mean you're waiting for crucial feedback from others or another. However, this can be an excellent opportunity to test someone's commitment to the plan or schedule you're involved with.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
People admire your innovative and bold stance, so much so that today's Moon Mercury link hints that a friend or associate might be keen to get in on the action. Collaborating with another on a meaningful project could bring fresh ideas and perspectives into the mix. Later, a small spat can easily sort itself out.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A conversation with a friend or love interest could turn out to be a tad embarrassing. An edgy tie-up might set you wondering whether you have that much in common. This might be down to the current Saturn influence though. A few days down the line it can be a different story – leaving you happier and much relieved.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon in Pisces can help you get a feel for an ongoing plan, allowing you to make an informed decision. Links with Mercury and Mars suggest you're keen to see this idea come to fruition. While liaising with others might result in delays, there's still a lot you can accomplish by moving ahead under your own powers.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As the Mars Jupiter link develops, you could find yourself on a collision course with someone. In this instance, it may be their pushiness that makes you determined to have your way or say. There's a chance though, that despite outer appearances you're on the same track. Do keep the lines of communication open, for now.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Though you may be tempted to avoid key responsibilities and everyday tasks, the Venus Saturn connection encourages a more disciplined approach, making it easier to complete a long-standing project. A friend or loved one could also spot your potential for success in a certain arena, and inspire you to go for it.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With Mercury now Taurus this can be a time of productive activity, when you'll want to work hard to further your interests and get ahead. A willingness to walk your talk can add to your sense of worth and overall security. Even so, a link to Jupiter might encourage an impulsive move that could derail a worthwhile plan.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A positive focus on pleasure activities can act as an aid to creativity and romantic happiness, bringing opportunities for enjoyment. If you've neglected this side of life lately, it's time to get in touch with hobbies that are enjoyable and relaxing. Rather than wasting your time they can be both relaxing and rejuvenating.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Although you could be put off by the more formal atmosphere of an event, it might be worth accepting an invite, as something good could come out of it. Meeting someone who becomes a good friend or deciding to get involved in a project or with a team, can bring benefits – even if there's any initial resistance to get through.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of any tasks in front of you, it might help to break them down somewhat. But before you do this, pause awhile and consider if your ideas could do with a few tweaks first. Later, encouragement could come from an unexpected source – yet one which can prove very welcome.