Horoscopes Thursday 15th December 2016

As the Moon in Cancer opposes Mercury's tie with Pluto we may find that our interactions with others can be somewhat intense.

People may be more sensitive than usual, so adopting a thoughtful approach can help those key conversations to run smoothly.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 15th December 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 15th December 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A lively few days may have brought certain revelations your way, so this can be an opportunity to digest such information and any implications. This can help, as certain ideas could conflict and compete. Tuning into your feelings and determining what moves might nurture you at a deeper level may be good for you, as if your emotions concur then the motivation can follow. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A sensitively phrased message or conversation can make it easier to gain someone's co-operation and this could swing the way events pan out over coming days. When it comes to a lifestyle change, it can seem you are taking two steps forward and one back. Although this can be disconcerting, steady progress is not always a straight line, but your perseverance will help.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The friends in your life might influence you over coming weeks, especially if they can put a fresh spin on a certain matter. This doesn't mean you need to change tack, but it might give you new perspectives to consider. A different viewpoint could allow for more choices, especially with the bigger picture hinting at a decision that could have certain deeper implications.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Over coming days a combination of planetary energies can see you putting effort into being as truthful and as diplomatic as possible, and this approach could change the picture for the better. Although it might be easier to give into others' demands, this can be an opportunity to make a stand for something you believe in. Attending a seasonal get-together? It can go well.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the liberating energies of Uranus stirring your sector of far horizons, it would be no surprise if you felt drawn to ideas or even an association that offered something fresh. Although it may be tempting to answer the call of the wild, the current backdrop suggests that any new moves may be best carried out in gradual stages in order to maintain stability and harmony.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Along with any preparations for the holiday season there may be other themes ongoing that might need attention. For example, a key conversation could result in a decision to let go of one idea and adopt another. At home there may be a mood of excitement building regarding some changes which could come to fruition over coming weeks and delight you, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A recent encounter may generate interest, especially if this person encourages you to consider your support of a cause or of certain values. You might even feel moved to form an alliance with them. A little research can leave you more reassured about such a decision, particularly as the bigger picture suggests that with the right approach you could make an excellent team.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Present influences suggest you may be juggling a lot of different tasks and decisions. By taking one at a time and giving each your focus it can be easier to succeed and make headway with any more seasonal demands. An encouraging opportunity can also lighten and brighten your mood and could see you looking forward to the New Year and all the excitement it can promise.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Positive alignments can make for some lively social occasions over coming weeks, as chatting to people with interesting ideas might give much food for thought. One encounter could entice you to embark on a path that has a special appeal. This can be a time to cement bonds too, as new friends you connect with over this festive season may continue on for the long-term.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You could find yourself very focused on one situation over coming days. While this can encourage you to dig deep and to become more aware of your own and others' motives, it's also possible to over think this matter or to read too much into it. However, your horoscope suggests a deeper wisdom may make itself known via an intuition and could bring a solution you feel more comfortable with.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Certain friends may be urging you to go one way, while others can encourage you to try another. Your progress could depend upon who you listen to, but then again adhering to your own inner wisdom will probably guide you best of all. Joining in with or contributing to local events can connect you to the more spiritual dimension of this time of year, and those less fortunate.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's stars imply that this may not be the time for too much modesty, as key influences suggest you might do better to showcase your skills whenever you can. It may be fair to say that you have accomplished much in a short space of time so there is no harm in being proud of your achievements. If you do have exceptional talents then it's worth letting everyone know.