Horoscopes Thursday 12th September 2019

With inquisitive Mercury and convivial Venus aligning in the last decanate of Virgo this sociable pairing can see us liaising with others who share our interests.

This isn't a very romantic merger, but it could lay the groundwork for a supportive friendship. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 12th September 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 12th September 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A lively Mars/Jupiter tie suggests you may be eager to try out ideas and to seek out fresh opportunities. There are some directions that are more positive than others though, so appraising them wisely could be very helpful. One may be particularly tempting, so much so, that you could feel moved to jump right into it. A little research can save you from disappointment Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A new interest could see you eager to explore a hobby, sport or other creative pastime. You may feel as though you have found a recreational activity that provides you with everything you need in terms of stimulation and enjoyment. Your horoscope suggests the only issue may be the investment of time and money. Giving it a trial period can allow you to sample this opportunity without it costing the earth.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be made aware of the urgency of decluttering your place, even if you don't feel all that enthusiastic about doing so Gemini. On this occasion though, you might need to push yourself, especially if you have people coming over for a special occasion. Getting others involved can make this task less arduous and before you know it, your place will be shipshape and beautiful.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If there's one issue in your life that is niggling you, the cosmos encourages you to deal with it right away. How you go about this though is important, as it is better to tackle it carefully than to be in a hurry. As Mercury aligns with gentle Venus, it may be easier to talk things over with someone who can see it from a fresh perspective, as this could prove so very helpful Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The focus on your sector of goals and personal ambitions can see you eager to utilize untapped skills and abilities. You might be keen to explore new avenues that have only been a possibility until now, and employing these talents could be crucial to your plans. A bold idea or vision may have inspired you recently, and can be the reason that you are embracing this course of action.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may be your relationship with another that enables you to feel calm and at peace, despite the potential to be very busy. With upbeat Mars now in your sign opposing Neptune for some days, you may begin to relax in their company and the sense of urgency you've had might lessen. You'll still need to get those tasks done, but if there's less angst, you might even enjoy them.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be in danger of analysis paralysis, as Mars in Virgo could see you thinking too much about a course of action rather than getting on with it. If you feel an inner prompting to explore an opportunity, then go for it Libra. Dally for too long, and you could miss out. If you make a mistake it is no big deal, as you will have learnt from experience and can try other avenues.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Sun's positive tie to radical Pluto hints that joining a group, club or team project, could have a transformative influence on you. Something about the people you meet and the experiences you have could bring about a positive shift that others might recognize and comment on. There is also plenty of scope for making new friends who could become very close over the long-term.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

One bright idea can be all it takes to create a breakthrough. If this should occur over coming days though, don't feel you have to implement it right away. Even if it is very apropos, you may need to look at it further to see if it has practical application. It might be that with a few adjustments it can work admirably, and could give you the scope and potential to make positive progress.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With talk and thought Mercury merging with lovely Venus, you may be in the mood for something different that can help you to unwind. Good company can be greatly appreciated over the next day or so, especially if you feel like visiting cultural exhibitions or going on trips with friends. Don't ignore your intuition though. If you feel you should call someone, go with it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you have been thinking of making changes to your home, then certain options can seem very exciting. They might even give you a sense of freedom and enable you to do more. There could be a gadget that changes your life, or even a service that enables you to take more time out for yourself. The Moon's angle to Uranus hints that life could be easier if you adopt new tactics.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Mercury linking to sociable Venus in your home zone, you could feel moved to hold a get-together or impromptu dinner party, and if so, it could be a lot of fun. This blend of energies can also be perfect for breaking the ice and getting to know someone better. With the Moon angling towards Uranus, a conversation can spark a flow of ideas that could change aspects of your life.