The Moon in Libra opposes sassy Jupiter in Aries bringing a positive vibe to the day ahead and encouraging us to mix and mingle.
This is a good time to move in new circles as an encounter could lead to a golden opportunity. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 12th May 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 12th May 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There's a sense of excitement building that you can't deny, Aries. New opportunities are coming your way, even if you don't yet know what they are. The focus on the positive encourages you to see life through a wider lens, and look at options that you might never have thought about before. If somethings triggers an interest, investigate further, as it could be life-changing at this time.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may have an opportunity to up your inner game, or find that a vivid dream brings the creative breakthrough you've been hoping for. A powerful focus on a secluded sector might also bring a key issue into the open, and if so, this could be a turning point. If it's overwhelming, your horoscope reveals it can be time to face it, and in doing so, find its hold over you gradually diminishes, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
An encounter could act as a catalyst to bigger and better things, Gemini. Someone you link up with can change your perspective on something, and encourage you to be more adventurous. There may be reasons why you feel like adopting a cautious approach, but this is an opportunity to expand your vision. Of course, it helps to be practical, but you can do more than you think.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The opportunity to be in the spotlight may be yours. So, if you have something important to share, this is the time to do so. With powerful energies in the mix, your passionate feelings about an issue or subject could encourage others to support you. With charming Venus working her magic, you'll be savvy in a sociable way, so you'll easily impress those with influence, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Moon in Libra opposes Jupiter and Mercury retro, which can put you in two minds about something. Do you go forward in a blaze of enthusiasm, or hold back and see how things pan out first? This isn't the time to water down your plans, and yet you may face delays and unexpected obstacles. If you want this badly enough, go for it, and take things one day at a time for now.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mercury continues to regress, you might find yourself treading water for a while. This may be a chance to take stock. If your plans are up in the air and nothing seems to be working out as it should, then focus on what you can do. You could feel that some things aren't worth continuing, while others might hold such promise, that you'll wonder why you never noticed before.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon in your sign links with Jupiter and Mercury retro, so you may be trying hard to fit in with someone's plans, even if there isn't much chance of succeeding. Sometimes with the best will in the world, you have to admit defeat. And yet you could be fine with an unexpected invite that syncs perfectly with your schedule, and that makes your day special for all the right reasons.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Upbeat developments in your lifestyle zone may be on their way, but you can help things along by following any intuitive nudges. The days ahead might have a powerful impact, and playing your part could be crucial to enjoying a more abundant phase. Notice what gets you excited, and be ready to explore further. It may be that trusting your gut is the best thing to help yourself.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although you may be busy with everyday tasks, your chart highlights an upbeat influence that could encourage you to make time for another regardless. In fact, going out of your way for this person might be something you're happy to do, even if you have pressing issues on the go. They can be more appreciative of your attention than you know, and keen to return your kindness.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Thinking of a move or expanding your current property? Whatever is on your mind, you may be looking for a fuller and happier family life. This might mean relocating, or working with what you have, to make it better. There could be one idea that you've considered that seems too way out or adventurous. If it won't go away, perhaps it's time to discuss it and see how others feel.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Perhaps the biggest surprise is how interested people are in something you do, that you might not have paid much attention to. This is a great time to showcase your skills, even if you doubt others will notice. Cue the coming Eclipse! Someone could see potential here that you can't, and this may be the start of something big. It's time to get your work out there, where it will be seen.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Bolstered by an increase in confidence, you may decide to have another go at a project that you've only trifled with so far. With Mercury retrograde for three weeks, you shouldn't expect it to be an immediate hit. It could take a lot longer to materialize than you anticipated. Still, getting others on board who share your enthusiasm, might make doing it so much more fun, Pisces.