Horoscopes Sunday 8th September 2019

The Sun in Virgo makes an edgy link to jovial Jupiter in Sagittarius which can put us in an optimistic mood.

We may have less of a tendency to micro-manage and be more willing to step out on faith and trust in life. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 8th September 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 8th September 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Even if you don't have much to do today, the current blend of energies can see you keeping busy regardless. The focus on Virgo, can inspire you to get uber-organized and have everything shipshape, but it is also important to down tools and take a break. Reading a good book, going on an outing or enjoying a spa treatment can allow you to unwind, ready for a new working week. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

According to the planetary setup, the coming week or so can be a time of positive change that may finally allow you to move in the direction of your dreams. This isn't so much the goals you are working away at on a day-to-day basis, but those that might be slightly out of reach and that require some effort. Letting go of what no longer serves can leave you free to make a start.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The temptation to linger at home can be strong if you have a lot to do in this regard, but you could gain greatly from going to a social event or on a trip, and generally getting out and about. The key is to spend time in good company. And if this means delegating a few tasks or leaving them for another time, then do so. You'll benefit from enjoying yourself more than anything Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A little charm can go a long way, and might lead to a change of heart. If someone has been critical of you, then lunar ties can inspire you to have a word with them. You could turn this matter around by offering to do something they hadn't expected Cancer. They may wonder if you have an ulterior motive, but your sincerity will let them know you are totally trustworthy.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have certain suspicions, but do you have the evidence to prove them? If you don't, then it may be wise to keep things to yourself. The present star map reveals that discussing your views with just one other person means word could spread fast Leo, which might be quite embarrassing. Keep your thoughts to yourself until you have the facts. Even then, be cautious.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You don't have to push yourself so hard just to please others, even if what you are planning is for the benefit of close friends or family members. It doesn't necessarily follow that if you do more they will be grateful, as they might begin to take you for granted Virgo. What about you though? You too need a chance to relax and enjoy life, so consider taking a well-deserved break today.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A disagreement may be on the cards, and the way you respond to it could make quite a difference. As feisty Mars competes with Jupiter, neither you nor another may be able to agree. Think of the consequences if you continue in this way though, as they likely could be unsettling. The other option might be for you to compromise Libra, and with the right outlook it is possible.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you had enough money to invest in everything necessary to create success, then you could likely accomplish so much. But would you be happy? If contentment becomes your benchmark when making key decisions over the days ahead Scorpio, then you may find it among friends and while relaxing in good company. Just utilize the gifts you have already and take it from there.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With effort and the fortunate influence of Jupiter in your sign, you may find that whatever you attempt has the potential to turn out well. That is if you can focus your energies and give it one hundred per cent. If you allow other matters to break your concentration, then energy will be scattered, and you could be disappointed. Prioritizing can make a difference over coming days.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

There have been a few shifts and changes that might now be more noticeable. For instance, with thoughtful Mercury and the Sun making key angles, you may find it easier to share feelings that you have previously struggled to put into words. This could help you talk about an issue that has unsettled you for some while, and by doing so, you may find the bigger picture easier to grasp.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Relationships continue to be a priority, and yet you may be inclined to look for depth rather than more superficial interactions. You might relish conversations that enable you to get to know others from the inside out, and that allow a glimpse into what makes them tick. Commitment could also be a quality you take to heart if you are ready to pool resources on a key project.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With an expansive focus on a prominent sector, you may feel like pushing yourself a little harder in pursuit of your goals and ambitions. At this time, it helps to choose your company wisely as you set your intentions for the coming weeks. There are those who may cheer you on and give you all the support you need. Others might cast doubt on your ideas and your horoscope suggests they are likely best avoided.