Mars bursts into Sagittarius today, and will help on the face it, to fend off the more restrictive energies of stern Saturn, located in the same sign.
The most unusual thing about Mars's arrival, is that he is set to spend five of the next seven months in this location, which is rare. This is certainly good for breaking free of restrictions, but we need to weigh independence against responsibilities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 6th March 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 6th March 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Why take the most uphill path, when there's an easier gradient to use? If you're anticipating difficulties due to red tape or other obstacles, then consider changing tack. By going straight to the top and discussing your situation with a person who has the ability to help you, you may find yourself blazing a trail, rather than struggling to make any headway at all. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The input of friends can either help or hinder you over the days and weeks ahead. If you need their assistance, then take the best of it and leave the rest. Indeed, the right words at the right time could produce a shift in your circumstances. If you're mired in a personal issue, you may find someone's impartial perspective can gift you with some key insights.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Saturn's presence in your sector of relating can make others appear a touch dour or a little harsh, when they may not mean to be. In fact, over the next three weeks or so, one person may seem to challenge you at every turn. If you're open to engage with them, actually they might have a genuine desire to help you. It's certainly best to find out.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The easiest way to resolve a situation to your satisfaction is to get better informed. Don't just quietly fret. If you do, you could find yourself becoming even more deeply entangled. However, there are times when a fear of seeming foolish can prevent us from asking for help. Instead, see it as a strength to be humble and open up to others' viewpoints.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The stirring qualities of Mars can help you break down situations that have reached a stalemate. And this is why its arrival in your sector of self-expression can be such good news. It's possible you're focusing on all the reasons why you can't do something rather than why you can. The red planet says to you "Leo, just do it and shock-n-awe in the process."
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The angle between the Sun and Pluto will help you when grappling with any issues that have rumbled on. The main benefit from this is that you don't feel guilty. With Mercury, your personal planet, now in Pisces and your zone of relating, you may be tempted to soften your stance. It's best not to, as you could find yourself disadvantaged if you do.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Ask yourself Libra, is it time to act with conviction around a situation that's caused way too much anxiety? Over-thinking things might see you constantly weigh up the options, but by stilling your mind and listening for any intuitive hunches, you may find there are other options that actually feel more comfortable. Balance your intellectual, emotional and physical drives.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although your financial situation may be on your mind, there is the potential for changes to emerge. Indeed, there could be more options open to you than you realize. Consider taking on board fresh ideas, exploring new subjects and learning innovative ways of resolving everyday issues – as it is around these that the potential for earning extra cash can emerge.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Unsettled feelings about someone close may be justified, but ask yourself does this warrant putting the relationship at risk? Once you have said your piece, you can't take it back, so be very sure you are doing the right thing. If you have left it too long to speak out the emotions may have boiled up inside you. But if you do speak, give them the right to reply.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your ruler Saturn's on-going location in your sector of secrets could see you developing anticipatory anxieties. However, the awkward ties it makes to both the Sun and Jupiter can see you skewing the reality of situations. Just take everything down to a more factual level. Get different perspectives. Share your hidden emotions. All can help.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Something mentioned by a friend over the days ahead could touch a nerve leaving you feeling more vulnerable than usual. If so, you may need to be the bigger person, as holding on won't help this relationship. And if there is a grain of truth in it, then taking it on board could be very advantageous to you over the long-term. You are capable of doing this, too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone may give you some good advice over the days ahead, but if you have your mind set on a certain outcome it could make you less receptive. This might be a mistake though, as in your desire to get what you want you may miss out on something much more useful to you. Don't let temporary and raw emotion prevent you from making a more enabling discovery.