Compelling Pluto turns direct from today in Capricorn after many months in its rewind phase, making progress possible.
If we used this time to release anything that no longer served, we should now have more energy to pursue our goals and ambitions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 4th October 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 4th October 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While you might be experiencing original and creative ideas which could revolutionize aspects of your life, it can help to adopt a practical approach when explaining them to another. With the Moon in Taurus linking to Mercury and Uranus, you may find that discussing them in as simple a way as possible, not only helps a partner or friend, but assists you in knowing what to do next.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
While a key blend of energies can make your intuition sharp, it might not help to share every insight you have. If you've something to say to someone, then use your words carefully for a constructive outcome. So, rather than hint at someone's peccadilloes, praising their strengths will boost their morale. You could apply this to yourself too, as self-appreciation works wonders.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As lively energies interact with each other, the day ahead can be exciting, even if things don't go to plan. The Moon in a spiritual sector highlights a very innovative aspect, encouraging you to take a fresh look at your lifestyle with a view to revolutionizing it in some way. How would you most like to spend your days Gemini? With a little creativity and savvy, anything is possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You might find that your social life picks up in a way that has an electrifying influence on you, and proves quite a contrast to the previous weeks, when things may have moved at a slower pace. The company of friends can boost your mood, and if you attend an event, an encounter could inspire you. Bright ideas swirl in the ether Cancer, and one may be a winner if you get to work on it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The time may have arrived when a brilliant idea can now be put to the test, and this could occur in a situation in which someone is watching how you get on. With creative twists and a few adjustments, you might be able to make it work in a way that reveals your talents at their best. There is also potential to unearth some treasures at home that may net you cash, if sold Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your thoughts may now turn to travel adventures and opportunities that can take you into new territory. Stay alert over coming days, as an unexpected call could turn out to be good news if you are willing to try your hand at something different. There might be a learning curve involved, but by absorbing new skills, the sky is the limit. Ready to unwind? Your horoscope suggests a mystery movie can do the trick.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While it might be tempting to invest time and money in activities that catch your interest, cosmic forces suggest this could leave you scratching the surface and not accomplishing much. What do you really want? If you can answer this, it may act as a catalyst for change. Keen to feel more relaxed? A walk in the countryside or a vigorous workout could channel any excess energy.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You might find someone's quirkiness to be irritating or quite appealing. Whatever it is, this person could have an impact on you Scorpio. Perhaps it's their refreshing way of looking at life that inspires you, and leaves you feeling good. With Mercury in your sign, your ability to understand someone's motives is enhanced. Contemplating pairing up? Trust your instincts.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You might end up buying something that feels like a game-changer Archer, and it could be your sixth sense that encourages you to go for it. If you've considered investing your money in an item or experience that will give you a boost, then you can find it at a good price. A gadget or app may also make life much easier, and you might wonder how you ever managed before.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may relish taking up a hobby that you can apply yourself to. You might also enjoy the process of learning, and the progress you make if you stick with it. But you can relish it even more if it takes you on a sensual journey that allows you to develop your creative side. Over the coming days, one such seed may be planted that blossoms beautifully, and leaves you contented.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Others can be obliging, and keen to help you out in a way that you appreciate. But you too may be a mine of information and encouragement. Keen to inspire someone in your inner circle regarding a career move? If so, they could be very grateful. In addition, experimenting and exploring fresh ideas and opportunities solo might open exciting new doors for you Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may meet up with someone who has made dynamic changes to their life, and be impressed with how much they have changed. This could leave you wondering about the possibilities open to you, if you dare to experiment with new ideas and options. Is there something you would love to do that gets you excited when you think about it? If so, consider taking the first step Pisces.