The Neptune influence continues today as the Sun makes a positive connection, enhancing our imagination and perhaps our creativity too.
We may find that indulging in a hobby is very nurturing, or we might be deeply inspired by a movie or a good book. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 3rd July 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 3rd July 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although finances have likely been on your mind as it often is for us all, but especially as Mars retrograded your sector of long term resources, things are beginning to look up. With the red planet now pushing forward, your attention can be drawn to opportunities. Other influences indicate some kind of home business or part time enterprise could also augment things. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With Venus, your ruler, making a lively link with Jupiter, there's potential over coming days to showcase a talent that you may have kept under wraps. In fact, it may only be those closest to you who really know of this. Letting others in on things could plant a seed that develops over time and more so if it is something you're passionate about. The more you are, the better.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon's hook-up to Uranus suggests you prepare for a pleasant surprise should a friend call around unexpectedly or a fun invite come your way. Even so, the bigger picture reveals that you may be keen to make a start on an idea, yet wonder how best to go about it. However, someone close to home could well have the expertise to help get things up and running.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With so much opportunity open to you, tomorrow's New Moon in your sign could not have come at a better time. Indeed, this is your chance to prime something that could be instrumental in shaping your future. However, as it's your call, be single minded in how you go about this. This may see someone close less than impressed, but seize the chance to make an impression.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The present line-up suggests you could be rewarded for your efforts, with someone keen to show their appreciation. Even so, try not to use this as a reason to slow down, even though you may have reached a milestone. In fact, over the coming days you may have an idea that is creative as well as lucrative – if you can find time to work it into your present schedule.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There are times when we might prefer to keep our thoughts to ourselves. But over the coming days you may be only too happy to let others know about your plans. Furthermore, doing so could be a good move, especially as tomorrow's New Moon in your social sector can set the stage for interesting developments. Don't underestimate how quickly news can spread.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The current backdrop suggests that if you're hoping things will work out for the best, you might not want to look at evidence to the contrary. However, if your feelings are telling you that all is not as it should be, consider investigating. You might find that tackling this is not so difficult, and that with this obstacle out of the way you're free to take things to the next level.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
While it's possible that someone is keeping something from you, the upbeat Sun Neptune connection suggests it may be with the best of intentions. They may be acting a little differently because they hope to surprise you. This is a good opportunity not to intervene, and let things unfold naturally. Showing this faith can be rewarded handsomely, with a warm glow too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a focus on a sensitive part of your chart, your feelings may be closer to the surface than usual. With the warming Venus yoked to Jupiter, your ruler, you might find that sharing them could be beneficial, especially if you tend not to. Your heartfelt opinion on a mutual project may do more to help both of you make a success of this than any other factor, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Whatever is happening now Capricorn, could be the result of a good deed you have done in the past. In fact, your horoscope suggests that with the Sun bonding to Neptune there's a chance you've forgotten about this, but a certain person probably has not. It's also possible that tomorrow's New Moon could coincide with a new chapter in this relationship which could prove very special.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may need to make a key decision about your future. Before you do it will help to be utterly clear about the direction you want to take. One conversation could be particularly useful, even if it gives you more options to consider. In fact, the days following tomorrow's New Moon may be one of the better times to weigh up the pros and cons and make your final choice.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Jupiter in your sector of relating, it may seem that with a certain person's help you can accomplish something important to you. Even so, other aspects suggest you might also benefit from tapping into your innate skills. And if you're ready to get going, then the fast approaching New Moon in the most dynamic of sectors could see you make quite an impact, Pisces.