The Sun in Leo aligns harmoniously with Jupiter in Aries, giving us an instant boost of confidence.
We'll feel certain that life is going our way, which can inspire us to do something that requires courage. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 31st July 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 31st July 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Follow your heart Aries, and don't feel duty-bound to get roped into other people's plans. The Sun/Jupiter angle, suggests good things will come your way when you trust your gut and run with it. Mind, if you've made a promise to help someone out, you might now regret it. Give them a call and see if you can rearrange it, or get someone to take your place. You need your freedom today.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Attempting something you've never tried before? A positive line-up suggests you're ready to have a go. The Sun/Jupiter link gives a helping hand, and once you commit things will fall into place. Even so, the deeper you look into a situation, the more you'll appreciate how big a part your intuition can play. If you're ready to listen to it, it could lead you along the best path.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ready to team up with others to make the most of an opportunity? If you're keen to do something for your community, getting involved could enable you to gain experience that is very useful in the future. In addition, an encounter might connect you with someone who turns out to be a great asset to you. The more you talk, the more you'll want to collaborate with them.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With a bright focus on a prominent zone there's lots to be glad about, as an important goal begins to show promise. Go easy around finances though, as a deal or offer may disappoint. Even if it sounds good on the surface, there might be a hidden clause that reveals you won't get as much as you think. Looking for extra cash? Think big, and you'll find ways to increase your income.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You'll be ready to seize an opportunity. If you have a chance to travel and soak in the sun or visit new places, it could recharge you like nothing else. Plus, Mercury's face-off with Saturn, is great for getting feedback on ideas before you commit to them. You can save yourself a lot of time and expense by asking a few questions. Sense someone is being too negative, Leo? Step back!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The facts of a situation may back up your feelings about it. You'll need both your right and left brain to get the measure of it. With intuitive insight and reliable information, everything will fall into place very nicely. Regarding another issue, you might be banging your head against a brick wall. You need to try a new tack, or talk to someone who can help you gain a fresh perspective.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A friendship seems to be moving along very nicely and shows promise, and you'll be keen to put energy into this bond. You may be wary of someone else and their motives though, especially if they seem aloof. They might have exacting standards when it comes to making friends. But if they decide you're the right material, they'll be very loyal. Can you wait that long though, Libra?
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun's tie with Jupiter means you'll stand out from the crowd, and it's likely because you feel so good. This promising blend of energies makes you more adventurous, so you might be ready to tackle something, even if it is a challenge. Be careful who you discuss this with, Scorpio. Someone may try to put the dampers on it and try to convince you not to bother. Don't listen!
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may get an unexpected dose of good fortune, Archer. It could be a meeting that leads to a romance, or it might be learning about an exciting hobby that brings out your love of adventure and risk-taking. Your horoscope reveals that something or someone can light up your life, leaving you in a much happier place. If you can't see eye-to-eye with someone on a key matter, a compromise won't hurt.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You could learn something about your family tree that leaves you inspired, happy and with a greater sense of purpose. Perhaps you hear a story about one of your ancestors that really chimes with you, and helps you to see your life in perspective. On another note, something you're keen to purchase may be impossible to get hold of. With some creative thinking it will soon be yours.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Ready to take advantage of an opportunity? Something could show up today that you'll be keen to get working on. It may be that a new door opens, and you'll love what appears on the other side. It might even seem too good to be true. If you feel the urge to go for it, then do it. This chance may never come your way again. Don't let doubts stop you in your tracks, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Trusting your intuition could be a big deal today, as it might lead to an offer or opportunity that is just too good to miss. If you feel it's perfect for you, then embrace it now. Mind, someone may be a tad jealous and try to sow the seeds of doubt in your mind. This is where you need to trust yourself, and don't be swayed by anyone no matter what they say. Believe in yourself and do it!