The Moon in Virgo opposes prudent Saturn in Pisces which can find us wanting to withdraw from the outside world.
We may be in a sensitive mood, in which case being kind to ourselves and enjoying a few treats could be just the ticket. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 2nd April 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 2nd April 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Seeing the lighter side of a situation can be a great relief, enabling you to feel better about something that may have taken up too much of your time and attention. This doesn't mean you won't take it seriously, just that a relaxed perspective might help you not to feel so anxious about it. Need something to keep you going, Aries? A small indulgence today can help you unwind.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There can be risks to getting involved in any relationship, which you're likely aware of, Taurus. In this instance, it may help to trust your sixth sense and any feelings you have, rather than brush them to one side. A new friendship might seem positive, but it could also be demanding. Be sure you want to get further involved, as this bond can be way more intense than you think.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There's no time like now to make the changes you've been dreaming about. As Mercury your guardian planet angles towards Pluto, this edgy combination can act as a catalyst to spur you on. You could feel compelled to get involved in something that's quite a challenge, but one that may be worth considering. And you might only be skirting the edge of what's possible for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A combination of energies in a dynamic zone, may have worked their magic to reassure you how talented and special you are. But before you make further headway creatively or romantically, there might be one emotional issue that needs to be resolved. Doing so means you can look to the future without the past holding you back. This will be a big ask though, so reflect on it first.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As expressive Mercury angles towards potent Pluto, you may be impatient that things are taking so long to change. But are they really, Leo? This isn't to say that you haven't made the effort, as timing can play a crucial part. It might be better to relax instead, and turn your attention to those projects you can get on with now. The more you push for a result, the longer it could take.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mercury your ruler making a dynamic connection, you'll feel empowered and very much in your element. Someone may try to drive a hard bargain. If so, you don't have to agree with it. There are other options. You might persuade others you're no pushover, and this could swing things in your direction. If you do need to compromise, don't give too many concessions.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With dealmaker Mercury angling to Pluto, you may not be keen to commit to an idea, project or relationship until you know what's in it for you. And why not Libra, as there are times when you tend to put your needs second to those of others if it makes life easier. If it seems you're getting the raw end of the deal say “noâ€. If it leaves you excited, then it has to be a definite “yesâ€.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With a sizzling focus on your lifestyle sector, the days ahead can bring fascinating encounters and unmissable opportunities. The people you connect with seem to share your passion for certain things, and this may be the reason you feel so at home with them. As Mercury squares off with Pluto, your horoscope suggest you could be very enthusiastic about a plan, but avoid putting obstacles in your own way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
What you feel deep down may not be the same as what you say to others. You might give the impression that you don't care about a matter, when you could have very intense feelings about it. Want to resolve this? Then it can be better to talk about how much this affects you. At least others will know you are serious, and keen for something to change very soon, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As dealmaker Mercury makes an edgy tie to Pluto, you could swing between optimism and pessimism. Either way, this can cause you to dither. Upbeat influences reveal that your chances of doing well are as good as they could be, but you may be haunted by an event that's dented your confidence. Give it a go! If you succeed, you'll never look back. You can do it, Capricorn!
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The coming days are perfect for the bold of heart, and that includes you, Aquarius. With fruitful influences on the go, this is the time to give one project all you've got. Have a brilliant entrepreneurial idea? Make a start, as you have everything to gain. The only thing that might stop you are the words of someone who may have an axe to grind. Refuse to let them affect you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
There may be a tendency to cling tightly onto a situation. But it could be this that is preventing things from changing to the positive. If you let go, it might begin to gently dissipate, whereas constantly thinking about it may mean it lingers. As Mercury makes a key alignment, have faith in life and realize that nothing lasts forever. Set your mind on new possibilities and move on.