The Moon provides a lighter reflection from the heavens. Things can feel a bit freer, though agitation can still be possible from the duo that is Mars and Mercury.
Perhaps it's best if we are not too strident today. With Venus still promiment creature comforts can attract us, and may see some hit the Sales or perhaps go on line to snaffle some lush bargains. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 27th December 2015 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Even though you can often take the lead when it comes to socialising, the Moon has been in a more muted location for you over the last few days. Today she switches into your sister fire sign of Leo and this can help you to feel more bubbly and outgoing. However, you cannot be too directive as far as other people are concerned.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Chances are over the last few days there's been quite a lot of lively interactions, and maybe one or two more intense discussions. If so, today gives you a chance to just pause and process what's been said. Yet with forceful Mars in a tangle with the "tell it how it is" location of Mercury, you will want to have your say, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There's been some delightful interactions with people that you're really comfortable and close with. However, one relationship may be a little bit more contentious. This can be especially the case if you sense that someone is feeling negative, but not quite expressing it in an open, honest and straightforward way. {copytag:[615]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A mixture of planetary influences may find you feeling really quite sensitive. Something that was said over the last few days, may still be working its way round your consciousness. People often think that you dislike confrontation, but the last few years you've been more minded to stand your ground, and could do so today.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Moon gliding into your sign, if you have been feeling particularly sentimental or your emotions rather raw, this can be an opportunity to feel more in control of them. You can often take the care of others to the nth degree, and even now, you may feel a bit drained. If so, try to do something for you, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your ruling planet Mercury continues in a very upbeat, fun and even humorous part of your situation. But it is still caught up in a sharp right angle with the planet of desire Mars and this can see you being more outspoken or even a bit prickly, especially if you feel that someone's not appreciating what you have contributed.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Although there is an overall focus, as there always is at this time of year, on your sector of emotions, if there are any injustices or politics washing around, you may find it much more difficult to adopt your usual more gracious approach. Why not catch up with a good friend, Libra? It can help move the moment.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun is starting to forge a really lovely angle to the dreamy energies of Neptune. Whilst the latter has caused real issues in its clash with Saturn the last two months, especially around your love life, your diet or just energy in general, today a caring gesture or a little bit of a sacrifice on your part, could work wonders.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If there have been any issues going on in your love or emotional lives over the festivities, it may be more difficult to connect with others in your usual bright and optimistic way. But don't feel you have to be upbeat. Venus is edging towards your sign, and when she arrives next midweek, this will signal some genuine new beginnings.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are all in your Zodiac sign, and after the last couple of months when you may have felt psychologically below your best, this can create a sense that you can get back to your normal, organised, confident self. However, you should avoid being too impatient or you may come across as being rather overbearing.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Mars still surfing its way through the most explorative part of your 'scope, if you're thinking of spending the New Year in a different setting or faraway place, it would be of little surprise. But your ultimate goal may be to mix a change of scene with absolute peace, tranquillity and a gently restorative vibe.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon relocating into the most practical part of your situation, you may appreciate the opportunity to catch up on more mundane matters. This could see a visit to the supermarket, tidying up session at home or even a gentle stroll or a coffee with friend to catch up on one another's mutual festive experiences.