The Moon in Aquarius aligns with Jupiter in Aries, highlighting our desire to connect with kindred spirits.
We may join a group or club that caters to our interests and this might enhance our enjoyment of a hobby or sport. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 25th December 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 25th December 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Jupiter continues in your sign, you're ready to embrace this day and make it as enjoyable as possible. The Moon in Aquarius encourages events that are truly a celebration of togetherness. Still, a lunar tie to Mars in Gemini suggests there's one thing that is very much in the air that no one is talking about. Getting it out in the open could be a big relief and a chance to resolve it.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There's a bubbly and heart-warming quality about celebrating with others, and you'll have the chance to catch up on any news. You're also in the mood to discuss wild ideas and faraway places, and with 2023 a few days away, you'll be dreaming about the possibilities that the New Year holds. You may get an urge to talk to someone, and if so, follow it through, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Whether you're having a family get-together or attending another event, an upbeat Moon/Jupiter tie suggests you'll be truly in your element. Even so, as Mars continues to rewind in your sign, it's wise to pace yourself. Don't give yourself so much to do that you have no energy left for relaxing with friends and family. Plus, an offer or suggestion could make you smile, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
This looks to be a busy day, when your natural people skills will be in demand. Whether you're celebrating at home or going out, or both, enjoy the opportunity to mix with people you haven't seen in a while. And with expansive Jupiter in a highflying zone, someone could give you advice that you'll be really pleased with. Looking for romance? It may not be far away.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Amongst the scent of cinnamon and festive fayre, a positive encounter could liven up your day. You might find this person pleasantly refreshing and uniquely interesting, and you may be eager to find out more. Plus, while you can be involved in get-togethers with family and friends, don't let a lingering matter spoil your enjoyment. Forget it for now and focus on having a ball, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be involved behind-the-scenes in key events. A lot of the planned activities could be great fun, and you'll have a good time. If someone seems determined to undermine your efforts, just let it wash over you. The more you ignore them, the more this will dwindle into nothing. You'll want to connect more deeply with someone special after not seeing them for a while.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You're chief organizer, and with some very grounded aspects on the go, you will likely make a very good job of it all. The Aquarian Moon hints that you'll spread joy and sparkle too. But it's the people you connect with who will really make your day. Plus, the Moon's angle with Mars retro, suggests that a bond that had gone astray could be mended in a very satisfying way, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Aquarius Moon highlights your home zone, and you'll be in your element cooking and playing host to close ones. You're set to have a fabulous day. Have second thoughts about accepting an invite? It could go better than you think, Scorpio. There are uplifting aspects on the go, and they can reveal the happiness you'll feel at being able to let your hair down and dance.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You'll be spreading the warmth and cheer, and be keen that those you celebrate with have a fantastic time. There's a lot of good feeling about, and if there has been a falling out, this is the day to reach out and talk things over. Someone may be reluctant to join you because of this, which would be a shame. Your horoscope suggests telling them it's all water under the bridge and inviting them over.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There's no getting away from the depth of feeling someone has for you, and today it may be especially evident. If you feel the same about them, the emotions shared can be a confirmation of how special this relationship is to you. You'll have so much to talk about that you may forget it's Christmas. Entangled? A warm, but hectic atmosphere at home will make for a great day.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you can make this day different and fun, you will do so, especially with your creative ideas and love of entertaining. And if you've been experimenting with new recipes for festive fayre, these could prove very impressive and a great hit with those you have around for a meal or get-together. Need to unwind? Don't feel bad about taking it easy. Some self-care is well-deserved.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You've likely had great plans for this festive day, and now you're ready for action. Today, it all comes together, and you look set to do everyone proud. Dealing with lingering issues too? A matter that started a while back could be on your mind. Let it go for now, Pisces. Get the most out of this day by relishing every moment, and enjoy the chance to celebrate with close ones.