Horoscopes Sunday 21st July 2019

The Sun's merger with articulate Mercury in the sign of Cancer can see us eager to share our thoughts and feelings.

And the combination of instinct and logic could help us to get our message across in a more balanced way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 21st July 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 21st July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Is the struggle you've experienced to accomplish something really worth it? Key influences over the days ahead suggest you could have a change of heart and decide it is not. And the reason for this may be that another way shows up that appears to be less of a hassle, while bringing faster results. Don't get mad at yourself, as you will have learned from experience which is invaluable. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Do you feel drawn to someone whose beliefs contrast your own? If so, it might not be their ideas, but the strength of their personality that proves so seductive. Yet this could be the downfall of the relationship too, Taurus. If you can agree to disagree, fine. But if conversations turn into battles to prove who is right, it's not so appealing. Think very carefully about this.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your insecurities could seem to outweigh your strengths over the days ahead, particularly if a friend seems to shine, leaving you in the shade. Venus's tie to Pluto, may be the reason you lack self-assurance and feel you are not enough. You might worry that you're losing your wit and natural charm. You're not Gemini, you may just need to focus on all the positives instead.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone may be able to shine a light on a matter that has confused you, bringing relief. Still, although their words can uplift you, it pays to listen to your intuition too. There may be more to this story than is obvious, and you might feel guided to ask questions and seek out information for yourself Cancer. With potential for misunderstandings, it's the only way to find out for sure.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be challenged by feelings of overwhelm to come up with ways to improve matters. The Sun's tie with Mercury, suggests that a discovery made over coming days could save you a lot of angst. You may find that the answer is closer than you think, and lies in making the most of an opportunity that you haven't yet fully exploited but need to as soon as you can.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you've been enthusiastic about a creative project, then the tide may have turned, with the result that it may have lost its appeal. This idea could need time though, especially if it can't be accomplished all in one go or involves other factors. Later in the year, you might feel motivated to pick it up and try again. If so, your horoscope suggests you could be surprised at the sparkling ideas that bubble up.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you've been wrestling with feelings of insecurity, the company of friends could soon put this to rest. The ones who know you well may refuse to let you dwell on past mistakes or negative experiences. Instead, they could remind you of how much you have accomplished, and be very proactive about getting you involved in activities that can boost spirits and enhance confidence.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Is your opinion about a friend true or false? If you're struggling to find the value in your association, you may feel moved to end the connection and move on. However, if your interaction so far has been a tad superficial, the current Venus Pluto link, offers a chance to engage with them more intensely. Will this make a difference? If yes, then this could be a game-changer.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

No matter how daunting a certain challenge, the tide can now begin to turn, even though it might not seem like it just yet. The gridlock you experienced just a few days ago shows signs of lessening, as lovely Venus disentangles from Pluto. And while you may not be out of the woods, you'll be able to discern the end of the tunnel. Once you do, your spirits can begin to rise.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

There may be only one way to nip a situation in the bud, and that is to make a firm decision to do just that. If you allow feelings of guilt to enter the picture, you may never get anywhere, particularly if it concerns a situation with someone you see on a regular basis. There are times when it feels good to go out of your way for another, but if it gets too much put a stop to it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may be ready to seal a deal, but a pause for thought before you do, could be helpful. With the Sun merging with Mercury retro, are you sure this is right for you? It may well be, but before you commit, look into the details and ask a few questions. Wondering if some aspect of this is dubious? Satisfy your curiosity, and then you'll know for sure whether it's worth it or not.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Harness your feelings and put them to work for you, as by acting on them you'll put forces into motion that allow for new developments. However, with the Sun merging with Mercury retro, you may have a decision to make about whether to pour your energy into something more personal and creative, or whether to go boldly ahead with fresh ideas that are more challenging.