Neptune turns direct from today after its retrograde phase of approximately five months. The rewind phase often coincides with insights that might clarify events for us.
Therefore, during it's forward motion over the next few months it may help us keep our focus on the outcomes we are hoping for, so as not to lose sight of them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 20th November 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 20th November 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you feel moved to act on an idea that can bring pleasure to friends and family, then go with it. Present influences show there's a suggestion that what is done in fun could spark ideas for bigger, more serious projects, Aries. On a more subtle note, you may find an idea that seems intriguing begins to crystallise over the weeks ahead and to show promise. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Being with close ones may make the day ahead quite special in so many ways. Whether you spend the day with family doing everyday things or connect with friends, conversation can spark ideas you might want to explore further. In fact, pooling talents and resources could see one plan become a focus that brings everyone together in a wonderful and heart-warming way.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Should you feel moved to brainstorm in order to boost creativity, much can result from this. You could feel most at home with friends enjoying such conversations. The planet of dreams Neptune goes forward from today in your sector of ambitions, and you may feel moved to reflect on a goal or project that requires definition and focus in order for you to take it forward, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Lunar ties to the practical energies of Saturn and the inspired qualities of Uranus can see you making the most of the day by enhancing a key skill. If it is a talent you value or that you can use to earn money, then taking it to the next level may deepen your belief in yourself. In addition, tweaking your routine can be of benefit if it helps you make the most of your natural rhythms.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may feel like putting your heart into organising an event that others can enjoy, and this might even include early preparations for the festive season. Making gifts could be something that friends or family members relish, allowing for a fun and productive day. An unexpected call or message from someone who lives at a distance can also leave you uplifted, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Neptune goes forward in your sector of relating, you may see a gradual change in a relationship, enabling you understand someone better. It is as though their being and personality come into focus, allowing you to appreciate their special qualities. This may not happen fast, but can be a more a gradual process that could see you striking up a firm and lasting friendship.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Spending time in good company can be just what's needed to realign your thoughts and get a fresh perspective on a plan that may be quite compelling, especially if it is an idea that has change at its core and that could bring about a transformation in your home and family situation. For this reason, reassurance that you're on the right track can encourage you to take the first step.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Sun in the last degree of your sign, you may become aware of how much a key situation has changed over the past four weeks. It may be that accepting your feelings around it allows you to embrace fresh possibilities, Scorpio. The present set-up could see you getting advice from someone whose experience you value so that you can carefully gauge your next steps.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Sun moving into your sign from tomorrow, you could already have a sense of anticipation about the weeks ahead. Dreams and creative ideas may come along for the ride and could make an appearance in your personal plans. And with present influences encouraging you to think out of the box, a fresh and adventurous slant on one plan might make it irresistible.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in a quieter sector of your chart may call you to pursuits that can bring change into your life, even if only in small ways. However, your horoscope reveals this mood of standing back a little and considering your priorities may be amplified further from tomorrow and over coming weeks and can encourage inspired insights. Yet plans that seemed crucial could seem less so under scrutiny.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Although the sassy energies of Mars in your sign may be putting the focus on matters that are deeply personal to you, it also encourages you to connect with others and enjoy hearing their thoughts and input. It is not so much about what you do together, but more the chance to interact and enjoy each other's company, and from there many options can become available to you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Neptune, your personal planet, will forge ahead from today in your sign which can change your outlook in a subtle way. Over coming weeks you may find it easier to translate ideas into action as there can be less of a tendency to revisit past experiences or perhaps to go off on a dreamy tangent. Channelling the imagination into a personal plan could bring rich rewards.