Daily Horoscopes – Sunday 19th April

Neptune is a key influence today both positively and negatively. The upside is its wonderful alliance with Mercury, fantastic for artistic appreciation, for any cultural pursuits or the arts. If you have something that you need to put across in a sensitive but practical way, this will help.

Neptune's square with Venus, is more challenging. This suggests potential confusion around relationships. If you meet someone new this weekend, try not to put them on a pedestal. It is an aspect where you could experience real feelings of "love" but wait a while longer until you know for sure. 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Activities involving close ties and lots of fun fill your agenda, and look to be fairly delightful. It's a day to write letters make calls or have lunch with family or friends. Looking for romance? If you're having fantasies about someone, be prepared to be a little disappointed should they reveal some more human frailties.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A Mercury Neptune link can muddy the waters somewhat, turning a meeting into a reason to feel worried. Perhaps you're picking up on someone's fears or you're feeling nervous yourself, especially if you're meeting first time. However, don't give up too easily. With perseverance you could soon become firm friends.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There's a lot going on in your mind that needs clarifying before you can share it with the world. Today, give those plans you've been harbouring a bit of a tweak so they better stand up to other people's criticism and scrutiny. Later, your social preference may be for a quiet evening with a friend who knows what makes you tick.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be busier than usual, with plenty to keep you upbeat. Social influences can motivate you to bring people together in the spirit of fun, or to arrange an event that raises money for charity or a local cause. There's a mystery showing up on your radar too that you might be keen to resolve before someone else does.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A Venus Neptune aspect may give the game away – and it's all to do with your expression and posture. Though keen to keep your feelings hidden you might not make a very good job of this, with your body language revealing a number of clues. If someone's insights leave you exposed perhaps honesty is the best policy.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

New opportunities may call out to you, whether associated with relationships, a job, study or a desire to satisfy your wanderlust. Today you'll relish moving beyond your normal boundaries to explore places or situations never before encountered. As a result, a meeting could inspire you to follow through with a bold idea.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Confusion reigns, and it may be because certain rules and regulations don't make sense. What should be straightforward could try your patience – and all over something quite minor. Try not to let it get to you though, as other aspects of the day look to be quite upbeat. For instance you can enjoy getting closer to a certain person.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You can be busy with others, whether business or fun related. Even so, today's Taurus Moon hints at interactions that leave you feeling both chuffed and baffled. Neptune links can coincide with mixed messages that may be a source of embarrassment. Even so, a faux pas can be a reason to start a conversation.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The sweeter someone becomes the more stubborn, ironically that you can feel – which might create barriers between you. Saturn, in your sign, suggests you may be in a self-sufficient mood with a tendency to refuse offers of help. However, this approach might not allow an important relationship to flourish as much as it could.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The pleasures of life call out to you, inviting you to forget about your responsibilities and settle into something more enticing and enjoyable. Think about a walk in nature, a chance to explore areas of your locale you've never visited – or the option to relax at a new restaurant with a friend or sweetheart and sample the fare.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A Venus Neptune link can see you playing for time regarding a new love match. Perhaps you're secretly hoping to impress this person and become the total focus of their attention. However, their values and beliefs may conflict with yours, perhaps encouraging second thoughts about whether this is a viable option after all.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

There's a veil of mystery over everything that you might find quite attractive. Sometimes you dislike having things spelt out, preferring to sense what's going on. There's certainly plenty of atmosphere around today and your input, or lack of it, could play a part in whether a secret is revealed or remains in hidden away.