Horoscopes Sunday 18th April 2021

The Sun in Aries aligns with chatty Mercury which could find us in an inquisitive mood and eager to connect with friends and close ones.

We can be very spontaneous under this influence and speak without thinking, which may net us opportunities, but also be a cause for regret. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 18th April 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 18th April 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This is not a time to dim your light Aries, but to shine all the brighter. With lovely aspects encouraging you onwards and upwards, be ready to try your hand at something new, even if you do make mistakes. With the Sun and Mercury poised to leave your sign tomorrow, let your adventurous side out, especially if there are opportunities or challenges for you to conquer.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A new phase begins tomorrow, but before it does you may have something to finish up. An issue could raise its head, and it might be for the last time if you deal with it now. Don't put this off, as other ideas can soon override it, and you may not have this opportunity for some time. Does it involve a difficult conversation, Taurus? It might be easier than you think once you get started.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Success may be a cert, with help from your friends or interested others. If you are ready to collaborate then choose your team mates carefully, depending on what you hope to accomplish. Wondering about the progress of a potential romance? If so, make a call today and link up for a chat. This could be the conversation that swings it for you, and that makes the future look rosier.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It's time to walk your talk, Cancer. If you've been reading self-help books and keep buying more, then it might be time to stop. You have likely gathered enough information to write one yourself, and may already play part-time coach to friends and loved ones. You'll need to go a step further though, and start to put it all into practice. Results can show up quickly once you do.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Adventure calls, so make a point of doing something different that takes you away from your daily routine, Leo. With the Sun and Mercury ready to change signs tomorrow, you could soon be caught up by your responsibilities, so make the most of any chance you get. If you can sample a new experience or learn something to your advantage, it might plant a seed that keeps growing.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could have the Midas touch if you play your cards right, as a bountiful aspect reveals an opportunity to enhance your income. It's not too late to put an idea into practice, especially if it has been on your mind, Virgo. Don't leave it too long though, as you may lose your enthusiasm. This would be a pity, as if you give it a go, it might quickly surpass your expectations.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The line between friendship and romance could be a tantalizing one, as thoughts about taking things in a new direction surface. Is it worth it though? You might lose more than you stand to gain, and things may never be quite the same between you again. If your instincts are on the alert, then do listen. Would you be better putting this idea to bed Libra, and looking elsewhere?

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You'll be keenly aware of all the subtleties and nuances that are contributing to a situation, and will be ready to respond in an instant. A savvy blend of planets brings insights that can help you turn things to your advantage, especially when it comes to finances, business or emotional bonds. But don't try too hard, Scorpio. Your horoscope hints that making light work of a plan could be the best way to succeed.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Worried that others will take your words the wrong way? Don't hold back Archer, as your conversations and witty observations could enlighten everyone. Your insights can turn an okay idea into a great one, or make a success of something that seemed doomed to fail. Have the courage of your convictions, as the ideas you share may enhance your standing.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You know what you are good at Capricorn, so if you have an opportunity to flaunt your talent, do so. A bold aspect continues to promise much, if you are willing to take a leap of faith. On a domestic note, try to get household tasks or DIY projects crossed off, as with a shift in focus they may get shelved. Mind, by adding a creative slant to the process, you can make it fun.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Ready to take a dream, and make it real? Don't hesitate for too long Aquarius, as the conditions are perfect right now. From tomorrow, your priorities may already have changed, and this won't seem so urgent. What would happen if you let it go? You could relinquish a new stream of income and the chance of exciting friends. Set your intentions, make a plan, and have a go.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A skill that has not been fully utilized could be called into action, and this might bring about a breakthrough, Pisces. If you've wanted to increase your income, then making use of this talent can change things. If you persist, you may find your life enriched by being so courageous. This very buoyant phase lasts a few more days, so make the most of it and you'll truly blossom.

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