Horoscopes Sunday 17th November 2019

The Sun in Scorpio aligns with the Moon in Cancer suggesting that head and heart are in harmony in an instinctual way.

We may find it easier to make decisions and to be generally more productive. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 17th November 2019 please see below… 

Horoscopes Sunday 17th November 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While a side of you may be eager for new adventures, the movement of the Moon through your domestic zone can see you enjoying the chance to spend time simply relaxing. If you need a respite Aries, then a scented bath or a delicious meal with your partner or friends can leave you restored. Had a lot of responsibilities to attend to? Let go for now and ease into a restful day.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With a focus on your sector of communication, you'll find it easier to be intuitive around sensitive discussions, and to know what to say and what to leave out. Your words could help soothe and heal another or leave them inspired. This is just as well, as lunar ties to Mars and Pluto suggest you and another need to talk. It may be time to speak from the heart Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Lunar ties to potent Pluto and edgy Mars could set you on edge, especially around matters associated with finances and spending. If you are under pressure to make radical changes to your budget, then you could feel a twinge of rebellion that might find you splurging on an outing or other treat just because you can. There may be ways to cut back painlessly, if you look for them.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Moon moves through the last part of your sign, revel in the opportunity to nurture yourself and enjoy the attention you get from others. There is no harm in being a little selfish, as it is probably something you don't indulge in enough. Others may have plans, but if you feel like getting a new hairdo or shopping for clothes, just excuse yourself Cancer and focus on you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

While you can be very outward going, the weekend focus on a quiet zone brings an opportunity to consider what you truly want from a relationship. Have someone in mind? You may need to separate fantasy from reality, as it might be too easy to put them on a pedestal. While you often prefer to be the one being chased, you could feel sensitive today when it comes to romance.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Looking for more romance in your life Virgo? There's no need to try so hard. You'll likely attract that special person when you are being completely yourself and enjoying life. This is when you truly shine. There is nothing wrong with dressing up and looking your best, but if you aren't comfortable it can show. If you share an interest or hobby, this can make a big difference.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the Moon currently in your sector of goals and ambitions, a sensitive approach could give you an advantage in key situations. And if you are supportive to others, you may net yourself an opportunity that might not have come along otherwise. You'll know just how to appeal to others' emotions, and this can make you very persuasive. Just don't let close ones cramp your style.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may want to widen your net in your search for romance or a collaborative partner for a key project. Whatever reason you have for pairing up with another it helps to expand your reach, as by doing so, someone with the perfect credentials could show up. Spoken for? The coming weeks may be a great time for a getaway that can enable you to rekindle the flame of passion Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With sultry Venus and jubilant Jupiter in your sign, you may feel confident you can handle whatever is going on in your life. And with charm and a bold approach, this is very possible. When it comes to your finances though, you might feel a little more sensitive to criticism. Temporary but edgy links suggest guilt at spending on a key event, even if you might enjoy it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Someone may wonder if you are too busy to spend time with them, and it is possible this is true Capricorn, as current influences suggest you may have a lot on your plate. If this feels like it may be the case, then giving them a call or planning to do something nice together can make things between you more relaxed. Social events may be on the agenda too, so unwind and enjoy.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you are keen to make changes to your lifestyle and habits, then you may set an intention in this regard today. There is a chance that an event could kick start this process, which might be a little uncomfortable as you take those steps and get used to a new routine. It is also possible that you might lose track now and again. Don't let this put you off, just begin again and you'll get it right.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Are there hidden sides of your nature ready and waiting to emerge? If you have an urge to channel ideas, feelings or opinions artistically, then express yourself in whatever way seems best. Plus, imaginative musings might contribute to wonderfully creative work, if you are so inclined. Your horoscope reveals the offer of a romantic date may also be on the cards, if you are ready for a special evening out.