The Sun in Taurus aligns with Neptune in Pisces so our imagination may be our superpower today.
We might have a heightened enjoyment of beauty whether we are appreciating it or crafting something ourselves. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 15th May 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 15th May 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It would be no surprise if feelings were intense, Aries. You're likely noticing the effects of tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse already. If someone gives you one more thing to do, you could become overwhelmed. And it's not because you have too much on, but because of emotions that can't be held back any longer. If you've tried to ignore a situation, this is the time to sort it out.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A lively aspect involving the Moon may find you invigorated by an encounter, and this pleasant distraction could add sparkle to your day. You might click with this person right away, and find them easy to talk to because they are refreshing. They can be intense too, which could be attractive. And if they are in a position of power, it may be hard to ignore their charms, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A relationship could emerge from a totally unexpected quarter, and with someone who is very different from your usual crowd. You may not have that much in common, but it might be the fact that you are opposites, that gets you talking. Whether you become friends or feel a romantic pull, trust your instincts. Your horoscope hints that getting to know this person can change your life in a good way.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Someone you thought you knew well could surprise you, Cancer. A lively aspect involving edgy Uranus, suggests you may be delighted by an admission of theirs, or something unusual they have become interested in. And this can add a delightful edge to your relationship. It might mean you can talk to them about things or ideas that you've secretly indulged for some time.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Need to share something? This may be an issue that you've kept to yourself, and it could be that pride or other emotions have prevented you from discussing it. Getting it out in the open can bring you loving support, and might not be as difficult as you thought. Tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse may push you to act. An event or encounter could mean you have no choice in this regard.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Does a relationship need to thaw before you get talking again? A brilliant insight into this matter means you're almost halfway to resolving it. Don't beat about the bush, just let them know that you understand, and take it from there. Within a short time, things could be back to normal. Enjoy computing or IT? A new course can deepen your knowledge and hone your abilities.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You can be sensitive to chaos and disorder, so with Mars and Neptune in your lifestyle zone, it's time to get a little more organized. Setting some boundaries for yourself and others, will give you a structure that keeps things in balance. Have a list of intentions, and prioritize goals that are important to you. Soon you'll be flying high, and feeling so much more contented with life.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With a Lunar Eclipse in your sign tomorrow, you may already be noticing the emotional full tide that is sweeping over you. If you've been trying to keep a lid on things, then it might be a futile exercise. It's best to cry if you need to, or find a way to acknowledge your feelings through talking to someone, writing them down or using exercise as a way to release them, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Sometimes the people you deal with on a daily basis can make you very frustrated, which is not good for your stress levels or wellbeing. What might be good for you, is releasing all that pent-up emotion by doing something physical that helps it disperse. If you enjoy walking, cycling or swimming, then moving your body may be very cathartic. Failing that, you could try meditation.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You'll be in a romantic mood this weekend, with the emphasis on your sector of pleasure ramping up. Tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse could result in a cascade of feelings that won't die down. You might be carried along on a current that's hard to resist. The only danger is, that you'll put someone on a pedestal and then feel bad if they fall off, as they certainly will do, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may have been pushing yourself hard recently, perhaps because you sense this is one of those times when your efforts will pay off. Even so, you might achieve more if you balance your physical and intellectual efforts with time out to relax. An opportunity is approaching that you won't want to miss. Give yourself a good chance by making sure energy levels are topped up.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone from the past could show up, and be a force for good, Pisces. Whether they appear in person or connect with you via social media, they may have news to share or be able to help you with something. Mind, having made contact, you might not be so eager to see them gone. If they feel the same, then good things can result from making this bond a more permanent fixture.