Horoscopes Sunday 14th July 2024

The Moon in Scorpio angles towards Pluto in Aquarius, which could find us in an intense and contrary mood.

We may stubbornly resist help or advice even if we know others have our best interests at heart. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th July 2024 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 14th July 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You're invited to delve into the roots of an ancestral issue. Today's healing energies can shine a compassionate light on old family wounds, offering a chance to view them through a fresh lens. Such clarity can be the first step towards profound healing. This is your moment to break cycles and forge new paths. Dive deep and you may enjoy a happier and more enlightened presence.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It's time to shake off the shackles of a limited viewpoint that may be stifling progress. A key alignment illuminates the need to broaden your horizons and adopt more expansive ways of thinking. What barriers have you constructed that prevent you from reaching your full potential? Tear them down, one by one. Free your mind, and soon new paths to success will unfold.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Are you letting financial fears block the path to a key goal? Every dream faces hurdles, but the bold continue to power on – even when the path seems unclear. You're being encouraged to commit wholeheartedly, by marching forward regardless of your bank balance. Your horoscope reveals that faith in your journey often attracts the resources needed. Let your actions declare, "I'm all in!"

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Contemplating a lifepath shift? Doubts may cloud your confidence, yet you likely have more resilience and strength than you know. Use this time to assess your plan and to recognise the vast pool of talents you already possess. You have what it takes. The challenge is believing it fully. Trust in your ability to adapt and grow, as the changes you desire are surely within reach.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may not feel in the most animated mood, and this might be down to the Sun in a private zone which can cause energy levels to fluctuate. At the same time, the emphasis on a far-reaching sector could inspire you to do some armchair travelling, or you might get a rush of amazing ideas while reading or surfing the Net. Something truly valuable can show up on the radar today.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may feel on edge for no real reason that you can fathom. If so, it could be down to potent Chiron's influence, as talking with someone might stir up an old wound or another sensitive issue. Forewarned is forearmed though and may encourage you to be easier with yourself and others. Don't feel you have to be sociable if you really don't want to. Look to pamper yourself.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you're committed to a goal, then you don't want someone undermining your best intentions. And if they start just when you're finally getting somewhere, you might not have much patience with them. Still, you could employ some of your trademark diplomacy and tactfully ask them what they are doing. Their reasoning may be more about protecting you than anything else.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Something fresh and exciting may be on the celestial cards that can turn your world on its head. You might not be entirely happy with this, as it could spoil your current plans or get in the way of deadlines or other commitments. And yet you may lose out if you don't go for it. There might be opportunities associated with this that are just perfect for you and way too good to miss.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You're usually very easy going, but something can affect you, causing you to feel moody or tense. Someone else may not be at their best today either, so between you, you could end up clashing – unless you make allowances. Even so, your perspective might be a lot more forgiving, so why not adopt this approach right now? It could save you a lot of trouble.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If there's a clash of opinion over a contentious domestic issue, it's best to handle it with as much grace and sensitivity as you can. With an awkward angle on the cards, your words could rub more salt into the wound, so avoid inflaming tensions. Instead, try to pour a healing balm on this matter and to smooth things over. By tomorrow you'll be glad you took the diplomatic route.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You don't like anyone cramping your style, which is why you also dislike dictating to others. Yet you may be put in a situation in which you'll need to tell someone what to do or criticise their efforts. With healer Chiron involved in the mix, it's best to choose words carefully – even if you also need to be firm. If they're dealing with a trying issue, they'll appreciate your kindness.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This is a day to activate your senses and enjoy pleasure for pleasure's sake. If you are able, try not to forgo this chance to treat yourself, Pisces. If you've been busy, then a massage or other healing treatment could do you so much good. Combined with a relaxing evening or gentle walk or movie, this can prove really revitalising but also give your sense of self a boost too.

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