Horoscopes Sunday 12th May 2019

Today's Quarter Moon in Leo can coincide with a gear change regarding a plan or project and perhaps the need for a decision.

This is a time to put energy into moving forward or making a few tweaks and adjustments before we proceed. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 12th May 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 12th May 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Are you ready for a bold move? The Sun in your money zone and its powerful links to your sector of goals, can be encouraging. Along with this, the Quarter Moon is perfect for committing to a course of action. This combination of energies may steer you in a direction that could be life changing, and that might lead to key developments that you can be proud of and feel good about. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Big decisions may need to be made over coming days, as key energies can encourage options that may have quite an impact on your future. This is not a time to choose lightly, but to consider the direction that is best for you. There is no doubt that one choice can be particularly appealing, and if it allows you to explore new ideas or to travel, you may decide it is for you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today's Quarter Moon in Leo, can encourage you to pay attention to an intuitive nudge and the message it might have for you. If a decision is needed, then reflection could align you with your deeper feelings, making it easier to know what to do. You may be aware that before you can move forward something needs to shift. You'll soon get a sense of what this might be Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Out of all the opportunities available to you, one may stand out. It could link to a friendship, a team project or a community scheme. The coming days might encourage you to look at this in depth and see how you feel. Plus, the Quarter Moon is excellent for getting started on a plan that involves collaborating with a group regarding a cause that could make a difference to others.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the Sun in your sector of ambition aligns with intensive Pluto in your lifestyle zone, you may feel a push to let go of certain habits and adopt new ones that leave you feeling happier, healthier and at ease with life. The immediate future though, can see you busy, as key plans gather momentum. It helps to be selective Leo, as your horoscope suggests some ideas may bring more satisfaction than others.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This can be a great time to liaise with others and introduce them to new ideas. Today can be particularly exciting, as the Quarter Moon in a secluded sector, encourages you to listen to your intuition when making a key decision that could change your destiny. It is also possible that a relationship may get serious and could become a bigger part of your life from this point on.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you have invested a lot of energy into making something work, particularly if it is associated with the home, property matters or deeply personal issues, then the days ahead can be a turning point. This may have been a long time coming, but your persistence and determination look to have paid off. You may see a dynamic shift taking place that paves the way for real progress.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Powerful ties involving your sector of communication, could see you taking the plunge regarding a solid agreement or deal. This might also be a time when studying a subject of interest could lead to new developments that can put you on track for better things. With a lunation in Leo, you'll have an opportunity to be in the spotlight and to showcase your special talents Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Ideas that have a philosophical bias could change your thoughts about your habits, the way you handle your resources and how you make use of your skills. This may be down to a lunar phase that enables you to see the bigger picture and to understand what you need to do to move your life forward. This might involve some streamlining and restructuring, but it will be worth it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming days could coincide with a breakthrough Capricorn, and one that might be quite significant for you. However, to take advantage of it, you may need to take a closer look at your priorities. This might mean letting go of whatever no longer serves, so that you can give more attention to something that is fast becoming important because it engages your creative abilities.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A discussion with someone can coalesce into a plan that inspires you to action. And with key aspects influencing your spiritual sector, this may be an opportunity to access your full potential. Setting your intention is the first step, so that even if you go slowly you will make steady progress. Whatever you are considering could influence you at a profound level of being.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The coming days may coincide with developments regarding the people you socialize with. A key idea could be the reason for joining a group or becoming a member of a team, so you can work together to make it a reality. This could prove fulfilling to you over the coming weeks and months, bringing progress and the chance to show your commitment to an important cause.