Today’s Horoscopes Saturday 5th September 2015

Today's waxing Quarter Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini. Free of yesterday's limitations with Saturn, she can really sparkle and add some effervescence to proceedings. 

However, we do need to stay mindful, that her square with the Sun can create an excess of nervous energy. With Virgo very much about virtue, this can see us finding it hard to sit still, as we buzz around trying to do a thousand things at once. Much better to slow things down, and choose a narrower range of targets, and do them well. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 5th September 2015 please read below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Quarter Moon encourages you to walk your talk, as doing so can help you make the most of a plan you're keen to realize. And, although today's lunar phase can often coincide with conflicting feelings, it may also be responsible for events which leave you in no doubt that this is the best moment to make your move.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Today's practical Sun Pluto link can see you ready to make a decision that concerns key personal goals. While it may not be the most ambitious of your dreams, it could rate highly on the level of fulfilment and satisfaction. In addition, a Sun Moon aspect can be a reminder to look into the costs, so do make the most informed choice.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Minor irritations could show up, especially if social connections seem more trouble than fun today. And it's not that you don't appreciate your friends, but more that you may be thinking hard about other things. A Sun influence suggests you're keen to make progress, but the best of the day may occur should you take some you time. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A cautious approach may suit you today, particularly if you're uncertain about how much to get involved in an idea or plan. As the Sun and Pluto angle tensely you may feel pressured into making a decision, when it would be better to ponder. For your own sake, look a little deeper to find out what's really at stake here.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The force of Mars can stir things up to the point where there could become the basis for conflict. If you sense that there's greater friction between you and another than usual, then it may be a sign that you both need some space. However, when it comes to practical matters, you can more easily blast through obstacles, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A hobby or pastime could take up a lot of your energy, which may be because you're focused on getting the best possible results. But whilst there's nothing wrong with your love of detail, you could miss out on a wider opportunity because you're focused on one small area. Indeed, if a friend calls, tune in carefully to what they say.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although it may be tempting to use logic when faced with a decision, the presence of the Sun and Jupiter in your spiritual sector encourages you to take your intuition into account too. However, the Moon's angle with the Sun and Neptune suggest that even here things could prove blurry – unless you can get a second opinion.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A friendship may deepen as discussion involves you in their personal issues. Indeed a romantic dimension is possible under today's influences, mind, there's also the potential to improve your relationship with a regular associate. There may be something about them you trust implicitly – which can be a rarity for you, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It can help to have the courage of your convictions and be willing to speak out on matters that you feel strongly about. If you do, today can be one of action, brought about by a need to set wrong's to right's. A forceful influence hints at the potential for a successful outcome for you and a sense that justice has been done at last.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Don't be shy about going after what you want, as by doing so you may discover strengths you didn't know you had. Today could see you seizing an opportunity or going some way towards fulfilling an ambition. In addition, someone in a position of authority could become a trusted ally who's only too keen to help you succeed.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Under the influence of the Quarter Moon, a leisurely conversation could lead to a more serious discussion. If you and a friend are on the same wavelength, then it may be a short step to thoughts of collaborating on an exciting idea. Your personalities might complement each other, but together you can prove to be true dynamos.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun and Pluto work together giving you the energy to reach out to key hopes. As this influence is grounded in practical Virgo and ambitious Capricorn, you should find it easy to concentrate and get the results you're after. By this evening, the focus shifts onto family affairs and a get-together or conversation can bolster you.