Horoscopes Saturday 4th November 2017

Today's Full Moon in Taurus brings an opportunity to revel in our senses. However, feelings can run high, so it may be just as well for us not to overreact in edgy situations.

It might also be wise to hold back from making important decisions for a day or so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 4th November 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 4th November 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With lovely Venus linking to restless Uranus and prudent Saturn, you could be more cautious about promising anything on the spur of the moment, which is likely a good thing. However, there is also a Full Moon in Taurus today and this can heighten feelings and perhaps encourage you to indulge a little, especially if doing so offers an escape from everyday tasks and chores. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Today's Full Moon in your sign could intensify emotions regarding a key relationship. This might lead to a very fulfilling weekend if you are happy together, as it may pleasantly enhance your bond. If an issue comes to a head, then it could dominate other matters until sorted out. And if so, be sure to give yourself plenty of time should any big decisions prove necessary.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A potent influence could intensify a longing to take a break from a goal or key ambition. It may also be that an opportunity shows up and you might be unsure whether to take it. However, things may not be quite as they seem, and this could lead you to miss out on something that might be very good for you. A chat with a trusted confidant could be helpful here Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This weekend you can find yourself under the spell of a seductive Full Moon which takes place in your social zone. With so much sensual and passionate energy in the air, this can be a great time for a date with your sweetheart, especially if you haven't spent much time together lately. Plus, a special encounter could spice up your mood and perhaps encourage you to go further.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may feel moved to involve yourself in family plans, whether you are entertaining others or have an outing scheduled. Whatever is on the cards though, consider making it as uncomplicated as possible, as intense influences suggest there might be some moments of frustration that you could likely do without. Considering some simple DIY tasks? Choose the most doable first.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could get caught up in emotional discussions over this weekend. However, if this doesn't appeal, then it may be an idea to sidestep any controversial topics. The reason being that a misunderstanding could occur; something it might be preferable to avoid. On the positive side, resolving an edgy issue and finally letting it go, could bring great relief to you and another Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The weekend can be one of generosity and indulgence, when you may not want to limit yourself. This mood can influence you when shopping and in the general give and take of everyday life. The question is when is enough, enough? You may benefit from the wise advice of a sage who can steer you though any temptations and perhaps help you to know when to stop.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a Full Moon in your opposite sign of Taurus, the weekend can shimmer with emotion which might add something special to a key relationship. This may be a good time for a mini-break or a chance to unwind away from life's pressures and tensions. Your horoscope suggests that if you do have responsibilities, then cutting out any unnecessary activities can help you enjoy your own space.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you're wondering whether to reveal a sensitive issue, the chance to discuss it may show up this weekend anyway, as a powerful lunar phase hints it might be difficult to keep this to yourself any longer. The timing could be perfect though, if it helps certain matters shift and move to a new level. Bear in mind, that once it is out in the open things may not be quite the same as they were.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming weekend could turn into a real party-fest, with a stunning Full Moon in your leisure zone. But even if you are involved in more modest gatherings, these too can be quite memorable. With emotions running high, it may be just as well to avoid actions that you might regret. On an upbeat note, this could be a chance to bond with someone more deeply than usual.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With a powerful influence in your domestic sector, life at home could be rather like a rollercoaster ride, as feelings may run very close to the surface. On the one hand, this can bring people together to celebrate, especially if it is a family occasion. On the other, issues can come to the surface that you may have been wary of discussing, and these might need to be addressed.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Is it wiser to stick with the tried and trusted or better to branch out and explore new paths? The present lunar phase suggests that there can be a lot of emotion regarding this decision over the weekend. It might even be better to wait until the following week before choosing one or the other, as you may not have all the facts. Perhaps further research could help you out here.