Horoscopes Saturday 4th February 2017

Today's Quarter Moon in Taurus may bring a choice between going with the tried and trusted or opting for something new and fresh.

We may be inclined to go with what we know, as this can seem the easiest. But will it be the most rewarding?  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 4th February 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 4th February 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The steadying influence of the Taurus Moon can help give shape to your thoughts which may be running hither and thither with excitement. Still, you thrive in an atmosphere where possibilities abound and they certainly seem to be at this time. You can't do everything though, which is why a lunar tie to Pluto in Capricorn can encourage you to settle on one idea and give it your all. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may be difficult to put into words what you feel deep down, but present trends encourage you to have a go. If there's something that you're keen to share then make a start and let it flow. Although one aspect could see you attempting to control the situation, doing so may make it less authentic. And there's no need to, all you really have to do is to be completely yourself.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your social life currently seems to sparkle, with opportunities arising as a result of meeting new people and the conversations you hold. Tomorrow though, Jupiter your planet of relating, will rewind until early June which can add a new twist to your interactions. You could find you have to work harder to cement a budding friendship, but your horoscope suggests the results can be so worth it, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Although the dynamic sign of Aries is associated with your sector of ambitions, you may wonder if you have what it takes to accomplish something that is a bit of a challenge. With Mars empowering this zone, you could feel a push to take several strides forward, and if you go with it, you can make dazzling progress. Even if your plans are personal Cancer, you can still aim high.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can have a knack for organization, but there are times when you may be content to let the river of life flow as it will. You may have been through one such phase recently and another will be along in a couple of weeks or so, and this can offer a chance to connect with your feelings. Today though, an opportunity may need to be grasped right away whether ready or not, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the red planet powers through your sector of change, you may sense that certain areas are in need of revision and you could be tempted to dive in and do something about them right away. However, it is not only about altering the surface elements, but also digging deep and doing a spot of emotional clearing so you can resolve any complex feelings at the heart of a key issue.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the Moon in a sensitive zone of your chart linking to Pluto in your domestic sector, this can be a day when a seemingly minor adjustment could help turn a situation around. It might be something as simple as making an admission that tips the balance and makes it easier to discuss an important matter as a family. It could prove healing to everyone, but especially to yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may wonder about a conversation, not because you regret what you said, but because you feel you could have put certain things better. Could you though, Scorpio? It is more likely that it went perfectly but that the response was not quite as you expected. Sometimes our judgement can be flawed and this may be the case if this discussion has, in reality, brought you closer.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There may be a lot of adventures to be had, and the best part can be sharing them with others or another. This weekend can bring many reasons to get out and about and to sample a number of activities. But if anything lingers in your memory, it may be that allowing yourself a chance to kick back and enjoy life felt so amazingly good Archer that you could want a lot more of it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Jupiter spending some time in a topmost sector you may have found yourself gravitating towards people who have a measure of influence or expertise. And this could have been instrumental in getting access to any help you need as well as any opportunities going. From tomorrow you may need to work harder to impress others though, but the rewards will prove worth it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A stellar tie from your home zone to a more secluded sector of your chart might awaken certain memories and could encourage you to talk about the past. In this instance, you might find it comforting to reminisce and to compare thoughts about key events with those of other close people. But you might also find such discussions quite healing if they confirm certain facts.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the Sun, your planet of well-being, in a private zone of your chart you may find you can benefit from any practices which promote inner peace while decreasing everyday tensions. But you might also find this process more enjoyable if you can be part of a group. If they teach methods and philosophies encouraging a holistic approach to health matters, so much the better.