The Moon in Virgo makes an awkward tie to upbeat Jupiter which can inspire us to check details before we move ahead with a plan.
If we are too cautious though we hold back and lose our momentum. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 3rd August 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 3rd August 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Thoughts about health and work-related themes might inspire you to do some background research. The Virgo Moon and its links, can be an invitation to tweak your routines in the hope of becoming more efficient. Even so, with dreamy Neptune on the playing field, productivity could go out the window if you happily sacrifice your time to help friends or family. Be sure they need it!
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Today seems made for entertainment and fun, even if you do have a lot on at home. A friend may have an exciting suggestion that engages your curiosity. Perhaps what you most need are activities that can stimulate your mind and inspire you to try new options. Although it may be easier to opt for things you have already tried, veering off the beaten track can be an experience.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
New ideas inspire, and though you'll need to look into them first, they'll be worth your consideration, especially those related to finance and to income enhancement. With a shift in perspective, you might transform your money situation and feel more secure as a result. Have plans for the day? Write a to-do list, as it could be easy to get distracted and lose momentum.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Has a dream or imaginative idea called out to you? The Moon/Neptune tie hints that you'll need to be practical to make it happen. The input of a friend with the necessary experience, may be just what's needed to get you up and running. With talk and thought Mercury now pushing forward, take time out to explore ideas that speak to you in a personal way, as they'll bring more satisfaction.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You and a significant other may not see eye-to-eye, and yet this could add a lively spark to the day. You may be the one that shares options for fun and exciting adventures, but don't count on the fact that they will join you, as they may prefer to do their own thing. A Moon/Neptune connection suggests checking prices if you're shopping. Don't lose out on an impulse buy Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon in your sign and its links, might get you excited about personal goals, a new job or a creative pastime. If you've felt uninspired more recently, this may be a good time to try again, particularly if you feel that pull to get out your paints, craft materials and anything else. By taking one small step, you'll soon be on track and enjoying the chance to let your creativity flow.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A Venus/Uranus link might entice your inner rebel out to play over coming days Libra. If you need an escape route, then plan to include exciting options in your schedule. In addition, you may feel moved to begin a spiritual practice if it helps you to navigate more easily through stressful situations and everyday snafus. A few minutes of yoga or meditation could do it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A friendly Virgo Moon can inspire you to connect with others who share your interests. You might also benefit from making long-term social commitments, such as joining a club or getting involved in community projects, which can put you in touch with new people. Later in the month, you might be more proactive about this, but for now, taking a few steps can set things rolling.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With articulate Mercury pushing ahead in your sector of finance and business, you can now move forward with those plans that have been on the back burner. If the past few weeks have brought delays and some inconvenience, this phase should now be on its way out, enabling you to make progress. Most of all though, your horoscope reveals you may be eager for new experiences that thrill the soul.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If your week has been hectic and intense, then you might benefit from doing something lighter and easier. If you enjoy art, music or anything else, then you might relish the chance to unwind in such a fashion. Or if you prefer restful activities, then losing yourself in a novel or an inspiring movie can also boost spirits. Mind, a romantic bond could develop in intimacy too.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your social life continues to be busy, making this an excellent time to expand your circle of friends or consider networking with like-minded folk. You may be motivated to take part in events, whether for fun or to raise money for a cause or charity, especially if doing so gets others involved. Activity levels may be quite full on, so if you need a chance to unwind, do take it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may feel revitalized by the chance to tackle lifestyle issues and matters that keep body and soul together. You might also be motivated to jettison any bad habits, and enjoy the health benefits that show up as a result. Social opportunities can also be on the cards this weekend, with the potential for an event that could connect you with someone important to you from the past.