Horoscopes Saturday 23rd March 2019

As the Moon in Scorpio opposes restless Uranus in Taurus we may be excited about the possibilities open to us and keen to try something different.

Although it can be hard to relax we could discover something to our advantage. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 23rd March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 23rd March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although Mars in Taurus encourages a steady pace, it can be hard to focus on anything too run-of-the-mill. Instead, the urge to keep moving can see you enjoying trips for business or pleasure, and the chance to take in new sights or connect with people as you go along. In addition, as Mercury angles to Saturn and Neptune, you may question a long-held belief. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The increasing focus on your sign Taurus, can encourage you to pay attention to the here and now. Yet more subtle qualities might also have an impact on your life and decisions over the coming week or so. It might seem that deeper aspects of yourself are broadcasting to your conscious awareness and sending a message that can show up as a striking coincidence.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It can be tempting to follow a thread or piece of information and see where it leads. If you try this over the coming days, it could take you on an exciting journey and spotlight new possibilities. But an idea that you may have been researching over recent months could lose its sparkle, and this can be because you are beginning to understand the sacrifice it might entail.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may find that the presence of Venus in a sensitive sector draws your attention to feelings and your relationship with them. The insights you gather from such reflections could stand you in good stead when it comes to stepping out and trying something different. You may be taking steps into the unknown, but your horoscope reveals this could be very exciting if you utilize your hidden strengths.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Someone in your life could inspire you to find solutions to a current issue. A chat with them and the appearance of related signs or coincidences, can be the reason you feel ready to let go of a situation that no longer interests you. And while there are responsibilities that you need to attend to, this can be a time when the cosmos encourages you to follow where your passion leads.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This may be a day to expect the unexpected and relish the chance to welcome any detours or other spontaneous events. This could include encounters that might bring new ideas and opportunities your way. It is as though something fresh is ready to come into your life. It could be a departure from your usual routines and interests and something to be embraced.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The atmosphere seems to be alive with many possibilities that could change your life in big and small ways Libra. All you need to do to take advantage of them is to get involved, spend a little time in new environments chatting to others and absorb the information that comes your way. Out of this smorgasbord of new knowledge, something dynamic can grab your attention.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The theme that is ongoing is one of change, which is a subject you can find intriguing. However, this may not be anything sudden. It can be more of an opportunity to dig deeper into a process of transformation that has been happening slowly and imperceptibly for quite some time. Part of this may be to look closely at your habitual thoughts, as it could lead to positive developments.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Events can act as catalysts that push you to explore fresh perspectives and opportunities, and this in turn, can entice you to step out of your comfort zone. As a Sagittarius, you are often keen to embrace the unknown, and it can be the excitement of stepping into new territory that you find rewarding. And if responsibilities have held you back, now is the time to ease forward again.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although there is an emphasis on pleasure activities, outings and on making the most of your leisure time, an uncomfortable aspect between the Moon and the unpredictable energies of Uranus, suggests you expect the unexpected. A friend could break an arrangement or something might stall a planned event. Even so, being flexible could turn this to your advantage and you might benefit anyway.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Invites or options to attend events can seem more plentiful than usual, which is all to the good, as this can be an excellent time to enjoy the various aspects of your social life. Not only can you make new friends, but you could find yourself dipping into a pool of resources and picking out some choice options that might make it possible for a dream to become a reality at last.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A lively blend of energies that involves new interests and ideas, might encourage you to adopt a more independent path. While you may feel you should involve yourself with others' plans, you could also be hampered by their expectations. It is possible that you need some space to yourself and a chance to do your own thing, so let everyone know and enjoy any new discoveries.