The Sun, newly arrived in Pisces is still making a nice angle to Venus in Aquarius. Venus is exalted or given more power in the sign of the Fish, so if we can use our sensitivity to watch out for someone less fortunate, we should.
Pisces energy can bring compassion to situations and Venus in Aquarius can be immensly kind. A good deed will come back to us, or make us feel we are not too caught up in materialism. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 20th February 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Over the next couple of days you may find you're in the position of wanting to be in the spotlight yet keen to avoid it in order to carve out time for yourself. However, friends who are ready to enjoy your company may try to encourage you to be more outgoing. In fact, with the Full Moon showing up on Monday you'll likely find the air pregnant with possibilities.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a partnership, whether romantic or otherwise, is not working out the way you'd hoped, then it may be time for a heart-to-heart chat. Indeed, you might feel that there's one aspect of this bond you certainly did not sign up for. However, where's there's a will there's a way and by co-operating, you could usher in a lovely and bright new beginning, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Even if you don't feel particularly sociable, today's lunar ties suggest that if you make the effort to get out you'll reap the rewards. The cosmos hints that you should perhaps go further afield than usual or try out new experiences, as a break from routine might enable you to see work or key relationship issues in a fresh light that could prove really helpful to you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you have something to say, then it might be an idea to say it now. The reason Cancer, is that feelings could easily come to a head on Monday. If you wait until then, your conversation with someone is likely to be a lot more emotional. If you do it today, you'll be able to put yourself across really quite reasonably and refraining from going over the top.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Moon in your sign, ties with Venus and Mercury in your zone of relating, which can lead to some interesting conversations. Even so, if one of them is about money, then you'd best be cautious, especially if a friend or partner is encouraging you to splurge on an item that could prove to be expensive. Have a long think about it before you splash out today, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While the presence of Mars in your zone of talk and thought has been excellent for focusing attention on a project or on building a relationship, other factors suggest that a bit of variety might enhance creativity. In addition, alternative activities could gift you with ideas that help you stand out from the crowd in more ways than one. Do seize this chance.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Though you seem to have a natural talent for getting along with others and helping them feel at ease, the long-term connection between Uranus and Pluto suggests there may be one person who you just can't seem to agree with or find more testing. However, if you were to collaborate with them on a mutual issue, you might begin to understand each other better.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Even though Jupiter's lively presence in your community sector can encourage you to reach out more than you might normally, you may have no option but to be firm with someone who has let you down or crossed the line in some other way. If tensions come to a head over the next day or so you'll want to speak out. Even so, try to be diplomatic if you can.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you connect with a new person this weekend, your relationship could be characterized by lively conversation and a mutual enjoyment of learning and discovering new things. However, as Pluto continues its journey through the more subtle part of your chart, be aware of mind games from someone else, about who owns, possesses or has what.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is a certain person or group project getting too much for you? Ongoing influences in your zone of social connections suggest that despite a largely positive experience you might be in need of a break. Taking into account an upcoming and emotional Full Moon, this can be the perfect juncture to get involved in other things, at least for a few days.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Even if you feel less than content with certain aspects of your life situation and long for something better, the present blend of influences suggests its best not to act too impulsively, as you may be in two minds about what you do want. Soon enough, factors you hadn't considered can come into play, making you more appreciative of what you already have.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may be impatient about how long it is taking for a project or relationship to move to the next phase. However, with a focus on the more psychological area of your chart this is only to be expected. Various factors may need to be in place before truly solid progress is possible, and these will occur in their own good time and may not conform to your plans.