Horoscopes Saturday 19th November 2016

With the Moon linking to the sassy energies of Mars and the conversational energies of Mercury it may seem we need to make our point firmly to be understood.

The overall cosmic picture can also encourage a degree of bluntness that could cause a stir. However, with a little tact others may be much more cooperative. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 19th November 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 19th November 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

One dream can be in the uppermost part of your mind, and over coming days you could enjoy the spectre of dipping in to visualise what it would feel like to live it. A glittering blend of energies also inspires a can-do energy and time spent with good friends. Whilst life's basics may also need moving along, seeds can be planted at this time which can become so much more. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The next day or so can be an opportunity to stand back from responsibilities and plans you may have on the go, and enjoy more homely activities. Certainly the Moon's presence in your domestic sector emphasises self-care as well as spending time with close ones. Mind, another more spiritual connection could see you visiting a place of beauty that proves rather soothing.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the stirring energies of Mars in your exploration zone, this can be a time of discovery with the potential to bring meaningful changes to your life. The bigger picture though, hints at a desire for a deeper transformation and it may be triggered by an urge to greater self-expression. The idea of doing more encourages you to release old patterns and move forwards dynamically.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Actions you are considering to save money or pare down bills could mean cutting back on certain items that you quite enjoy. Keeping the bigger picture in mind though, and considering how much more in control you might feel as a result of following through can sustain your efforts. There could also be one person who you seem to be sharing an increasingly special bond.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A brilliant idea that seems to hold promise may need to pass muster with someone involved in a crucial way. To get the help and approval needed may require a lot more work than seems necessary. It could be a positive though, especially if this plan becomes more focused as a result. On another note Leo, a formal gathering could prove quite delightful – if you decide to go.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If you're close to someone and can see them mulling over a decision, it's only natural to want to help them out with a few wise words. Current influences can make it easier for you to put yourself in their position and sync with their perspective. It's possible they may not need advice, but might very much value your support, no matter what choices they eventually make.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With Venus your ruler, angling towards the aesthetic energies of Neptune in your sector of lifestyle and well-being, you may be inspired by spiritual ideas or ideals to take a closer look at your everyday routines. A decision to eat more organic food or locally grown produce may chime with you at a deeper level Libra, as could thoughts of taking up habits that nurture and calm.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While there are some bold themes showing up in your solar horoscope, this weekend is notable for a line-up that may heighten romance or see you dreaming of it. With the congenial Venus in the ambitious sign of Capricorn and your sector of communication, you could just as easily be attracted by someone's sparkling intellect or be inspired by a conversation or discussion.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Over this weekend you might find that it's the small things in life that bring you the most pleasure. This could include planning a menu for a get-together at your place and enjoying shopping for the ingredients or finding a bargain item with a commemorative or vintage bias that looks good in your home. In fact, your horoscope hints that a respite can boost energy for potentially busier times ahead.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Moon in your sector of shared values can make you aware of how much certain people mean to you, even if you do jar on one or two issues. This weekend though, you may find comfort in a heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend or loved one, as doing so may bond you even more closely together. Indeed, sharing a personal issue might leave you pleasantly uplifted.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Although the day could have an edgy quality, a more spiritual aspect can mute such responses and encourage your compassionate side to take the lead. This caring quality could enable a constructive dialogue that allows for a satisfying outcome for all. Then again, although your social life has a lively quality, you may be happier in quieter surroundings with close friends.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Others may want a taste of what you seem to have, whether it's your company they enjoy or perhaps an artistic or creative skill that has your personal stamp associated with it. In fact, with the presence of feisty Mars stirring up your dreams as well as your intuition, you may become aware of other hidden treasures that could be valuable to others if you were to offer them.