Horoscopes Saturday 19th March 2022

Seductive Venus in Aquarius angles towards lively Uranus in Taurus, so we may be looking to spend time in zesty company.

If we have a chance to connect with others who are uplifting and forward thinking we may jump at the chance. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 19th March 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 19th March 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You don't have to adopt the group think if you don't want to, even though you feel under pressure to do so. A sparkling angle between Venus and Uranus could be a call to go with whatever feels right to you. It may put you at odds with some people in your social circle, but it's what's best for you that counts. There's no need to compromise. Instead, follow your heart.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Have fascinating information and ideas to share? You might be delighted at the way they are received by those on your wavelength. Should you discuss it with someone if you know their view conflicts with yours? While a compromise could be one solution, you may prefer to go your own way entirely at this time Taurus, even if it does cause some edginess for a while.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As Venus angles towards maverick Uranus, you'll be ready to get to grips with an issue that has been on your mind, Gemini. If you've been hoping for closure and for a healing, then insights can show up while meditating, talking things over with a friend or from interpreting a dream. This motivating aspect could inspire you to change your beliefs to more life enhancing ones.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll have an opportunity to express your individuality, despite what others may think. While you are often very aware of what is trending, the current line-up might encourage you to adopt your own unique look, while loving the sense of freedom it brings. If you've tended to hold back from displaying your differences or personal tastes Cancer, it's time to be a lot bolder.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may feel more ambitious than you have in a while. This is good, as current zesty influences can prompt you to think out of the box when it comes to making plans. Been mulling over some original ideas? If so, others, especially close ones, might not share your excitement. Don't listen! Instead, your horoscope suggests you go ahead and prove your brilliance. This is no time to be put off from your mission.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may feel an intuitive nudge to have a chat with someone. If you do, a lively Venus/Uranus tie suggests that connecting with them could inspire unique ideas. Some of these can be cutting-edge and might result in a foray into new areas. There may be a learning curve involved, but it could be the challenge you'll truly enjoy. And this friendship may go from strength to strength.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Keen to push a relationship further along the road? With Venus in your romance sector angling towards electric Uranus in an intense zone, you may feel impatience and frustration if things are going too slowly. Why are you in such a rush, Libra? This approach could damage a delicate beginning and stop things in their tracks. Let things take their natural course for best results.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There could be a disconnect between you and a partner or another, that makes it difficult to agree on anything. While this is a temporary aspect Scorpio, it might put a spanner in the works if you're hoping to get moving on a plan or make a key decision. The mood is one of stubbornness that can lead to a stand-off. Unless you're willing to make a compromise, nothing will shift.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Today's Venus/Uranus angle could find you in a jittery mood, with your attention drawn to anything that offers relief from boredom. Perhaps you'd rather link up with a friend for coffee and a chat, than knuckle down to key tasks. You'll also be drawn to people who have something different to offer. A fresh perspective can be most appealing, and an opportunity for change.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your money could be burning a hole in your pocket, and the last thing on your mind may be thoughts of saving or denying yourself pleasure. If you've had a hard week, Venus's edgy angle with Uranus might find you keen to treat yourself. And why not! Watch out for those impulsive buys that seem good at the time, but quickly lose their sparkle. Make it truly worthwhile.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your taste in things could be off kilter. Lovely Venus in your sign angles towards unpredictable Uranus in your home zone, which can find you mulling over a DIY idea that you might regret a week or so down the line. Want to showcase more of your personality around your home? Think about the impression you will make to various groups of people who may visit you, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Has an issue burdened you for a while? The coming days might see you taking steps to find closure, and you'll feel so much better for making a start. Plus, an upbeat conversation could be enlightening, helping you to see the potential in an idea or project that you'll enjoy being a part of. Need to tie up loose ends first? Get them out of the way so your life can begin to blossom.

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