As Interactive Mercury aligns with feisty Mars in the sign of Virgo, we may have strong views that we could feel moved to share.
We may be tempted to push our ideas on others though, when just stating our case can be enough. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 16th September 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 16th September 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you feel ready to get to work on your most pressing issues, then cosmic forces can support you in doing so. Any obstacles you have experienced lately may now begin to melt away as you give your attention to working through them. Getting urgent matters out of your hair might also free you up to take advantage of some refreshing and lively encounters over this weekend. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you have a creative skill or excel at a hobby, then the coming days can be an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents. Putting items in a craft fair, local market or exhibition or even displaying them online, can bring positive benefits and could turn out to be very lucrative. Later, making time for more relaxing and convivial options can help you recharge furthermore Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you have designated the coming days to work on a domestic project, present influences suggest that you will have the necessary focus and skill to make an excellent job of it. This could range from baking and icing a cake for a family occasion to redecorating, DIY or making a gift for someone. But stay flexible too, as an unexpected invite could add sparkle to the weekend.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you feel that you cannot rest until you have resolved a key issue, you could be tempted to put all your effort into doing so this weekend. But don't try too hard Cancer, as sometimes this can have the reverse effect. A break to do something enjoyable, such as purchasing an item for the home or inviting friends over for a coffee and a chance to catch up, can allow answers to emerge.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As optimistic Jupiter moves to align with innovative Uranus in your sector of higher wisdom and adventure, you may begin to realize the potential in an idea or opportunity and how wonderful it might be if you could take advantage of it. The present picture suggests that over the coming week or so you can, and that by detailing the costs you may feel confident about going ahead.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may have a lot that you want to explain or discuss to get a project off the ground or to clear up a certain matter. If so, the coming days can see you issuing instructions or sharing ideas to get things moving along. However, this might work better as a two-way process. Allowing others to contribute can bring up topics you may not have thought of, paving the way for progress.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As jovial Jupiter in your sign moves to oppose the lively energies of Uranus in your sector of relating, it is possible that an association could develop a new and exciting edge. This could be a friendship or even a romance that may seem like a breath of fresh air. And over this weekend, you may want to take things further, perhaps by connecting at a social event you'll both enjoy.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A social event could be intense, and though you might enjoy the interaction, it could leave you feeling in need of some time out. Jupiter's presence in a more private sector of your chart hints that a break and a chance to recharge could have more benefits than you might realize. Not only can it help you prioritize your weekend plans, but may help you feel more balanced overall.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you have the weekend clear, then a sparkling blend of energies may encourage you to connect with friends and family and do something a little different. You might feel like wandering off the beaten track and exploring places nestled in the a more natural environment, or even taking a mini-break to a spa for a delightful treat. One encounter could prove pleasantly enriching.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you or others have talked a lot about a certain place, then you may be ready to pay a visit over the coming weekend, and doing so could be a journey of discovery. You may find your interest is captured by facets of the area and that you might need to go back again to explore it all. In addition, a social event could generate plenty of conversation and lead to new friendships.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Teaming up with others and organizing an outing can be a lot of fun and may be a chance to celebrate an occasion. Your horoscope suggests that the coming days could be an opportunity for a get-together away from home where everyone might enjoy spending some time in upbeat surroundings. Equally, taking up a fascinating subject could prove to be an exciting move.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may be unable to avoid a conversation, but perhaps it is best if you don't. With interactive Mercury aligning with feisty Mars in your sector of relating, this could be the perfect opportunity to clear the air. And even if you need to share some home truths Pisces, this can help pave the way for a better understanding in the future and might help you work better together as a team.