Venus in Leo makes an awkward angle with sensitive Neptune in Pisces which can muddle our feelings and cause us to wonder what's happening.
If we dare to go with the flow we may find we are taken on a creative journey of discovery and we might not want to return. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 15th July 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 15th July 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon's angle with aquatic Neptune could cause confusion, but with sweet Venus also forging an awkward link, things may not be as they seem. Discussions could go round in circles, and making decisions might be a fraught process. Still, Mercury in Leo encourages you to look to the facts, and even if everything doesn't add up, you'll get a better idea of where you're at, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Wondering if you're sending out the right signals in connection with, friends, groups or social media? With hazy aspects on the go, this is very much a time to stand up for what you believe in. By clearly sharing your beliefs and opinions, you'll cut through the fog and enable others to do the same. Still, with the potential for mixed messages, it's wise to use your words with care.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Want to project a positive image that will endear you to bosses, managers, clients or other authority figures? With the Moon in your sign angling towards Neptune, you'll be like a chameleon and ready to change yourself to fit in with whoever you're talking to. Want to get a job or attract an opportunity? Rather than act the part, it's better to be your natural self.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With Venus presently slowing down in your financial zone prior to turning retrograde, you'll feel an urge to observe your relationship to money. Go easy over the next day or so though, as an awkward angle with Neptune suggests you may purchase something on a recommendation and find that it isn't what you want. Keep receipts and paperwork so you can get your cash back.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Moon in your social sector can highlight a desire to meet new people. This is all to the good, as it can open doors for you. But with a misty angle also showing up, you may need to give one potential connection some more thought. Notice some awkwardness in this person's presence? Don't dismiss those gut feelings, as they might be telling you something very important, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mercury and Venus in your spiritual zone, this can be a time of questioning, of coming to terms with certain issues and deciding to do something about them. If you've had problems with a relationship, then today's hazy line-up can make things seem worse than they are. It's best not to take anything for granted, Virgo. It might even help matters if you can hold a heartfelt chat.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Have friends you'd like to see more of? Perhaps you never have time, or when it comes to it, don't feel like it. With Venus forging an awkward tie to Neptune, your horoscpoe suggests you could notice this more strongly than usual and this might make you want to do something about it. This convivial planet turns retrograde in a week or so, and this might help you to see key bonds from a fresh perspective.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Do you have secret reservations about a forward-looking relationship? The current backdrop suggests that tracing back any feelings of unease to the source could help you to understand why. The tie between lovely Venus and spiritual Neptune, might enable you to follow the thread of intuition until you find the answer. Once you have it, you'll know what you need to do, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Is someone messing you about? It can certainly seem like it, Archer. And a confusing blend of energies might make it hard to know what to do about it. With Venus slowing down prior to rewinding soon, you may feel like distancing yourself from them for a while, and this could be a good idea. In detached mode you might notice things you never saw before, for good or ill.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've been a tad anxious, the last thing you'll want to do is handle anything complex. You might also be keen to avoid discussions that bring up uncomfortable emotions, which is understandable if something is bothering you. The Moon's angle with Neptune suggests that a talk could clear things up and help you make progress. Leave it, and you may end up stewing.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon's edgy link with Neptune could see you persuading yourself to buy something, even though you know it might not be in your best interests. Even if you know you'll get a bargain somewhere else, you may not be able to resist buying it now. And it's no good asking for advice, as whatever is suggested could get you in an even worse mess. Best save your money for now.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Key energies can find you in a sensitive mood, and this might make it more difficult to handle people who seem critical or domineering. The present star map reveals you don't have to fall over backwards for anyone. Slow down Pisces, and think about setting a few boundaries. If someone seems overly persuasive just say no like you mean it, and they'll leave you alone.