Today’s Horoscopes Tuesday 15th December 2015

With Mars and Uranus continue in broad direct opposition,and the sparks can still fly. Fortunately a lovely, beguiling angle between Mercury and Neptune cautions us to bring some tact into situations, however trying they might be.

And of course last week, when Mars and Uranus interacted with Pluto, things may have got very intense indeed. All the more reason to give ourselves time to think and reflect before we react to swiftly to anything which find difficult. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 15th December 2015 please see below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Mixing with people who have an original take on life may be like a breath of fresh air, particularly if you've been overwhelmed with responsibilities of late. Their input could help enhance your creative potential. Indeed, being with those on your wavelength could reignite your interest in activities that you once very much enjoyed.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There's a seductive quality showing up as the alluring Venus in your relationship sector forges a rather delectable bond with the maestro of intensity, Pluto. Not only is this blend of energies excellent for adding sparkle to a partnership, it hints at opportunities for delving deeper into subjects that you're passionate about.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As the energy of talk and thought Mercury aligns with the spiritual qualities of Neptune, your awareness of the subtle aspects of the world around you increases. As a result Gemini, you may find it easy to sense what is going on in others' minds. If you ever wondered what makes a certain person tick, you could well find out now. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon, your personal planet, in the pioneering sign of Aquarius, and linking with the innovative energy of Uranus you may get a flash of inspiration regards a financial matter. And, with Saturn in the mix, advice from someone with plenty of experience may enable you to tailor it perfectly to your own specific needs.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It's best not to promise more than you can deliver Leo, even if you believe you can. With the Sun continuing to tangle with the expansive Jupiter, there's a good chance you could overextend yourself. Therefore, if you're hoping to impress a certain someone today, it may be just as well to offer less and where possible, give more.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Mercury's presence in Capricorn gives a glittering edge to your thoughts and conversation. You're no fool at the best of times, and right now can truly dazzle, particularly when you're not under too much pressure. However, with the dreamy Neptune in the mix, your perception increases. You are unlikely to miss a trick.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Venus, your ruling planet, is very much at home in your financial zone, as it is a rare Libra that doesn't enjoy life's pleasures to the full. However, you may wonder whether you're doing the right thing regarding spending on festive purchases. Part of this is that the changeable energies of last week can still upset your equilibrium.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you're finding it difficult to resolve personal issues or make some essential changes, then it could be down to Mars, currently in a more reclusive part of your chart. As it ties with the Moon in your home zone, this may be a day to reflect rather than act. Ask yourself what's really needed to make the difference you're hoping for?

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

While it's great to be optimistic, don't pile too much on your plate, particularly as the ongoing tie between Saturn and Neptune can still undermine your confidence. It's possible that your determination to do more and be more may be a reaction to this. For now, stick with the tasks to hand rather than adding more to the list.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you've been doing a lot of detailed planning lately, then the present Mercury Neptune tie can encourage you to loosen up a bit. Although the days and weeks ahead may require quite a lot of organization, it's impossible to account for everything. Nevertheless, if one issue requires urgent attention, don't delay grappling with it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Sticking to the tried and trusted could mean you lose out on an opportunity today, and of course this might be something you want to avoid. Indeed, today's lunar ties actively encourage you to explore the latest developments. But also listen carefully to any conversations you are involved in. Important clues can be shared.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Venus's growing influence in your sector of new experiences can bring an opportunity to follow your heart and commit to a deeper bond with someone who understands you well. Her growing link with the transformational Pluto, suggests that interacting with this person may act as a catalyst, at so many levels, Pisces.