As the Moon in Libra makes a positive aspect to feisty Mars, social activities can call out to us and may be something to relish.
Encountering new people can prove productive and may sow the seeds of ideas and fresh opportunities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 8th October 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 8th October 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may be keen to keep a relationship cordial, and even go out of your way to make it so. There may be one issue to deal with that is taking time to sort out though. This could be because it involves money or an emotional attachment to a certain outcome. With lovely Venus continuing in her rewind phase for some while yet, you may need patience if you're to resolve this soon. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Just as it seems you have everything organized to your satisfaction, someone may insist that you make allowances for their needs. In the interests of being nice you may attempt to do so. However, you might also have aspirations, and being too accommodating could get in the way of a goal that is important to you. If you can be honest, there could be a way around this.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you may be inspired to take a more playful approach, making those mundane tasks more interesting. With tactful Venus rewinding in your lifestyle zone though, you could get caught up in someone's power trip, adding a more intense note to the days ahead. Rising above this could help you handle things much more effectively.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If someone seems indifferent to your charms, see it as their loss. Stick with what is true for you and you will attract others or another who you resonate with. Even so, the focus on your home zone suggests that domestic matters could be high on your list of priorities. Whatever creative plans you have ongoing might take second place to a delightful family event or home project.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
People have different personalities so will see things in different ways. This may be something to remember if you find yourself involved in a misunderstanding. While the facts may seem obvious to them, certain emotions can cause you to see a whole other side to this matter. This may be no bad thing though, as your approach can be more human and likely to garner support.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you find it hard to focus on something that needs to be done, then perhaps your heart isn't in it, and you may be looking for an excuse to put it off or get out of it completely. If you can visualize yourself completing it though, there may be a way to make it more interesting. It could be that you had a bad experience last time. This time your horoscope suggests it could be pleasantly different Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
People are often drawn to you because of your charisma. But over coming days, the opposite may be true, and you could find yourself attracted to someone intriguing. They may have ideas and values that are different from yours which could be awkward when it comes to holding a conversation. Something can continue to draw you to them though, despite conflicting views.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
An emotional confrontation is possible this week, but out of it something lasting could occur. With sweet Venus in your sign angling towards fiery Mars in your family zone, you may have reservations about a proposed plan. If there have been too many awkward silences, then it might be time to address this matter openly. Be the one to start discussions and everyone will be glad.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It may be time to become more serious about something or even someone that you have taken too lightly in the past. It helps to consider your feelings though, especially if you have tended to push them away. Just acknowledging the more emotional side of this issue could enable you to understand its root cause. The next step may be to sensitively act on any insights.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As diplomatic Venus continues to rewind, it's best not to mask your feelings even though you might want to. If you try to keep them to yourself, it is likely that your eyes or your body language may give them away. If you start to talk about them, then you may be surprised to find that others understand completely, and if necessary, may also offer their wholehearted support.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you haven't used a certain skill for a while and are rusty in this regard, will it be that obvious if you use it again? Perhaps to you, but likely not to others who may think you are a natural at what you do. Don't let such doubts affect your ability to do whatever is needed. While Venus's rewind can cause a slight dip in confidence, it needn't prevent you from going ahead.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The first step in a journey can often be the most difficult, as you know that there is some way to go before you reach your destination. If you have been reflecting on this moment and doubting you can do it, then making a start could be your best bet. If this is what you want, then it makes little sense to keep thinking it over, that is unless you are having second thoughts about it.