The Moon in balanced Libra forges an awkward angle to sobering Saturn which can leave us feeling emotionally distant from someone we care about.
It is temporary though and if such issues do arise they are likley to be fleeting. Still, if concerned reaching out to them might help. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 5th August 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 5th August 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A solar tie to upbeat Jupiter in your sector of far horizons, encourages you to embrace new ideas that could have a practical application. This could be something that encourages you to study for the future, or a plan to aim higher and do more in a way that brings fresh opportunities into the mix. A friend or partner might be especially supportive, encouraging you to be bold.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There is much going on beneath the surface, both in your relationships and in other more emotional areas of your life. Attuning yourself to these subtle trends is important if you're to get your priorities straight. Whatever certain people say may not be what they do, and the question might be why? You may need to ask a few leading questions until you find out the truth Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Thoughts of pleasant outings and evenings of fun can get the week off to a good start. And someone maybe hoping for an invite. It all depends on what you have planned though, as there are some things you might prefer to do alone or with others who you can relate to. Still, if you enjoy this person's company, even a coffee and a chat can set the scene for other lively activities.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
An edgy Moon Saturn tie suggests someone may not have a full grasp of what you are hoping to accomplish. Whatever the reason, there is no need to take their words personally. You may find that reaching out to them and engaging in a heart-to-heart chat, is the last thing they expect, but also the most healing. Your horoscope reveals an opportunity could arise out of this that surprises both of you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The days ahead look to be very good for you, giving you a boost and bringing a dose of good fortune. With the Sun aligning with adventurous Jupiter, the temptation to try something new and to engage in fresh and novel experiences, can be strong. And why not? You may cover more new ground over coming days than you have in a while, and this can lead to positive developments.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As the focus continues in a more subtle sector, this is very much a time to finish off those things that have been pushed to one side. If you are thinking of initiating a new project, then wait until Mars enters your sign in about two weeks, as this can help you gain momentum fast. If your instincts encourage you to connect with someone, it could be worth your while to do so.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon in your sign can call you to pay attention to your emotions and what they are trying to convey. The key to navigating through the days ahead may be to tune in, as by doing so you'll instantly know whether something or someone is going to revitalize or drain you. If you have more than one social event to attend, choose the one that elicits positivity and joy Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The celestial backdrop brings an opportunity to get back into the driver's seat and take charge of your destiny. And as the Sun also forges a harmonious aspect with expansive Jupiter, good things can come your way. You could find yourself swept into activities or a relationship which opens new doors and that boosts confidence Scorpio, and enables you to take a bold step forward.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The call of the wild and the feeling of wanderlust can consume you, and life may appear to be quite an adventure over the days and weeks ahead. Have big ideas? This is the time to carry them out, as you will have the confidence and be ready to take a leap of faith, no matter what you have to contend with. Have something special planned? Someone may be very keen to join you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A lunar tie to sweet Venus in your sector of shared resources, can encourage you to link up with someone who has experience. If you have a goal in mind, then it can be so helpful to have a contact to ask for any general advice. And although this is only a minor aspect, it could be the start of a friendship that will grow and prove delightful, if given time and attention Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Being a sign that enjoys mixing and mingling, the cosmos invites you to arrange something that friends and family can relish. Or if you have been planning a reunion, this might be a good time to meet and catch up on all that has happened. With an aspect between the Moon and sweet Venus though, an encounter could see you thrilled by some very heart-warming news Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you play your cards right over coming days Pisces, things can fall into place and may result in positive events concerning your career, personal goals or business affairs. With Jupiter moving at a slower pace prior to turning direct, you may need to be patient as details are sorted out. Even so, with charm and enthusiasm you can be very persuasive, and this might swing decisions your way.