Daily Horoscopes – Monday 4th May

The Full Moon today in Scorpio is particularly relevant because it forges a T Square with Jupiter, located in Leo. The chances are therefore that any emotions we are feeling are likely to be heightened and amplified. In terms of the overall Tropical Zodiac, this occurs in the 8th Solar House, opposing the Sun in the 2nd House.

With Jupiter involved, if we make any financial claims or promises they do need to be rooted in reality. Even the desire to splash out needs to be tempered with how this can affect our longer term fortunes – represented by the 8th House, where as the 2nd House is more about immediate gratification of our senses. 

This can also be a challenge to our values. How real are they? Is someone we are close to or involved with about to show that theirs are very different. All of this is possible in the next few weeks.

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The week begins not just with the Full Moon in Scorpio, but also with Mercury in opposition to Saturn. So what does this mean for you Aries? Well, you may find yourself needing to make some adjustments around your spending plans, and anything of a contractual nature might in particular need greater care and precision.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If there are going to be any challenges on the back of today's Full Moon they are likely to come where your values seem in stark contrast to anyone you are trying to work or collaborate with. In love, if a partner has been feeling neglected by your determination to focus on one key issue, it may be time to reach out.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Some sensitive issues can erupt to the surface in the next week. However, there is an excellent opportunity to learn some profound insights into what makes you really tick from this. An area which you can't really take for granted just now is around relationships. Someone close to you may be surprisingly outspoken.


Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As much as you may really love being with your friends, or one in particular, something which you have been unaware of, or perhaps preferring not to look at, may bubble up into view and require your attention. This may be a bit delicate, and even refer to someone's previously disguised feelings. Some thinking time alone could help.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As much as there has been a big focus on your ambitions, has this meant you have had less time to spend with loved ones or with family members? If so, this week is an opportune time to try to redress the balance. However, you may find even your faintest suggestions to meet up might not be met with total enthusiasm.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You can be one of the most precise of people when it comes to what you say or commit to paper. Your ability to organise your thoughts carefully, being one of your best qualities. So, if you find yourself receiving a text or email at an inopportune time, don't be too quick to fashion a reply. You could be misunderstood.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's Full Moon urges you to take action around business and financial issues. Anyway the more you can feel in control of this important area of life, the better. A good place to start would be to do a forensic check on exactly where things currently stand. Your attention to detail can be very good which will help.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Today's Moon in your sign can see you become more conscious of your needs on the relating front. And it can also be of help to consider the needs of anyone you are closely involved with. Compromise may prove tricky, but if you do take up a fixed position, it might not be to your benefit. Do look to keep the dialogue going.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Saturn in your sign has been opposing Mercury over the weekend and does so again today and tomorrow. This may have seen some conversations take on an edgier vibe, and even your legendary enthusiasm and optimism can be tempered by this. Try to remain positive, but concerning professional ties, stay attuned to any politics.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Ordinarily, today's Full Moon would be a spur to get together with your most sociable circle. And it may still happen. However, with your ruler Saturn pressing hard on the energies of the talk and thought Mercury, if your energy is lower than usual or someone springs an unexpected demand in your direction, it could prove tricky.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Outside pressures could crowd your hopes in the next few days. If you work for yourself, extra hours may be on the agenda. If you work for an employer, their demands can increase too. Your coping mechanisms are usually supported by your keen sense of wit, but friends, associates and colleagues could all seem more serious.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can be hugely caring and supportive to the people and causes that you espouse, but it is also going to be important in May to balance these with your own personal needs. A pattern is set to occur all month which can see others seek out more help from you. Be prepared to lay down some firm boundaries to cope.