As the Aquarius Moon angles towards expansive Jupiter the atmosphere is perfect for a get-together and a chance to enjoy good company.
It is also ideal for making new friends and for being socially adventurous in general. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th March 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 4th March 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Doing a bit of everything can seem the answer to the many jobs you may have on hand. However, the biggest aid could be getting your priorities right, which can be difficult if there is a lot to get on with. It likely won't hurt to take a step back. If you are trying too hard to get it all done, then seeing the bigger picture can help you work out a plan that allows for some leeway. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the Sun moving closer to elusive Neptune in your social zone, your perception of the world around you can change over the coming days. You may gain insights into a situation or person that you hadn't noticed previously, and if so, this might be the time to act on them before they disappear. A lunar link with lively Jupiter suggests a golden offer could come your way.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While following the rules is mainly helpful, it can limit your options if you become too rigid about this. This can be the case today and over coming days, when taking a less formal stance might help others to feel more at ease or make a task appear less daunting. And the Aquarian Moon's tie to expansive Jupiter can be excellent for an impromptu, but delightful get-together.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The way cosmic forces are tending, you may feel it is your duty to speak the truth on a key issue, even if doing so can be uncomfortable. Do you really need to though? Certain influences suggest that by adopting a gentle and deeply sensitive approach, the truth can still be shared, but in a way that makes it much easier to do so. This approach can make an awkward conversation easier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With sobering Saturn and intense Pluto in your lifestyle zone, focusing on the facts might be one way to stay in touch with the reality of a situation. Even so, attention to thoughts and feelings could take you into more subjective realms, where your emotions rule supreme. If something looks good on the outside but doesn't feel right, then approach with care Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may wish someone would notice how you feel about them and reciprocate. If you wait though, it's likely nothing much will change. But if you summon up the courage to be open, then it is up to them to take it from there, as you will have done your part. However, as agile Mercury prepares to turn retrograde from tomorrow, watch out for the possibility of mixed messages.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With lovely Venus sparkling in your leisure sector, a certain encounter could have something special about it. And with the Aquarius Moon forging a lovely angle with jovial Jupiter, you may be drawn to someone who you find truly fascinating Libra. Whether you are looking for friendship or even romance, lively influences can make either very possible and enjoyable.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As thoughtful Mercury prepares to regress tomorrow, it can encourage you to share ideas and experiences, even ones that you might not normally. This and another influence can be a great way to release pent up feelings by giving yourself free rein and not holding anything back. Your horoscope reveals that if you have been holding onto secrets, getting these out into the open may be liberating indeed.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Sun approaching the hazy vibe of Neptune in your home zone, you may become aware of what is occurring around aspects of your living situation. And over coming days, you might get an understanding that evaded you previously. If you find yourself wondering why you never noticed such issues before, it may be because the radiant Sun can bring greater clarity and revealing truths.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The solution to a relationship issue may be right in front of you, but perhaps because you are so deeply involved, it is not so easy to notice. You might also make things harder for yourself because you can tend to keep personal issues private. However, letting a trusted friend know your situation might not only relieve the burden, but could gift you with some powerful insights.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As the Moon makes a harmonious aspect to positive Jupiter in your social zone, it can coincide with a desire to arrange a get-together or perhaps to accept an unexpected invite. And even if this will happen a few days down the line, it can still give you something to look forward to. It pays to go easy with money matters too, as a financial arrangement may not be all it seems.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in a sensitive area making a positive aspect to optimistic Jupiter, you may want to invest in ideas that can help you fulfil your true potential. You might have an inkling that you would be good at something, but perhaps have not had a chance to prove it to yourself. Today can plant a seed that might soon begin to blossom and reveal that you are indeed right Pisces.