Horoscopes Monday 4th April 2016

The Moon's soulful connection with Neptune can heighten our ability to tune into others and pick up on their moods and feelings, which we can turn to out advantage over the next day or so.

However, this dreamy connection can also pave the way for a romanctic couple of days whether this concerns a new love interest or our current beau. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th April 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 4th April 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your horoscope suggests you'll probably be adept at offering constructive criticism, but with the Moon linked to Neptune in Pisces and angling towards Mars, you yourself could find yourself over-sensitive if someone attempts to offer any unflattering feedback. If this happens they may be genuinely trying to help, so if you can bear to listen you might benefit. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Are you anxious about an issue that has dragged on for way too long? If so, the Sun's tie to Pluto can push you to confront this, once and for all. However, Venus's move into your spiritual sector from tomorrow will also encourage a more compassionate approach to relating, so even if this matter is with a person in your circle, don't be too hasty in tackling it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Even though a plan may seem good on the surface, don't assume that there will be no obstacles, and some may only emerge once you've made a start. This week can also be excellent for using discretion and diplomacy to build up your prospects, but with your ruler Mercury set to go deeper into your chart, avoid making only superficial judgements of situations.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

While you may be pleased with the progress you've made and the hard work that has gone into getting results, others may be jealous of you and could try to play down your success. Because of this you're not likely to get much encouragement, Cancer. However, don't let this deter you. The more others try to get to you, the more you should ignore them and continue on.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Lunar ties to Mars and Neptune suggest you may find it harder to find the inner spark to get stuff done, even though you may have urgent matters to attend to. Nevertheless, you'll likely be more tuned into life's more subtle dimensions and could become very aware of the feelings of those you encounter, though a degree of confusion in love matters is possible.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If progress seems slow today resolve to just do your best, for with your ruler Mercury zipping into your sister Earth sign of Taurus tomorrow, you may find it easier from thereon to tackle any demands made upon you. However this is a time when your gift for prioritising is going to be a real asset, but a willingness to be flexible with this, can really help.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Though you often project an impression of inner calm and serenity, Mars's tangle with dreamy Neptune this month, does ask you to be careful about what you agree to. Fortunately, with your ruler set to move into your sector of relating, the more attuned you are to how the important people in your life feel, the better. Your listening skills are the key, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If it seems you're being held back by circumstances then you may be right, but lower your expectations and give yourself a little more leeway, Scorpio. You might discover that if you don't put so much pressure on yourself you'll find ways to accomplish over coming days what seemed extremely unlikely only yesterday. Also, one tie is set to become less brittle.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Moon in Pisces aligning with Neptune and feisty Mars, it may be best not to take anyone at face value. Indeed, the next couple of days could need careful handling when it comes to family matters, as misunderstandings can be rife. If you have to make a decision it might be best to follow your instincts rather than take action based on what's discussed.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A test of your integrity may show up over coming days. As to what action you should take, the answer may not be as clear cut as you would like. Indeed, if you could avoid having to deal with this matter, you probably would. But if you resolve this, Capricorn, you might impress someone who can become a key contact in time. So with this in mind take the plunge.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There are issues that it's best to ignore and others that need to be faced. And the awkward angle between the Sun and Pluto hints you'd be best to confront something that you may have put off for too long. Nevertheless, Thursday's New Moon could prompt you to think more about your attitudes and approaches and how you may realign these from now.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although you're usually known for your ability to take each day as it comes, you may be determined to push through with certain changes, no matter what. However, if certain friends distance themselves from you in the process, you might find yourself less keen to get them back on your side, such can be your conviction that you are on the right track, Pisces.