Horoscopes Monday 3rd October 2016

As the Sun moves to connect with the sobering energies of Saturn we might feel more inclined to focus on a goal or plan so as to bring it to a successful conclusion.

If we have the seed of an idea and no experience, though, this aspect can encourage us to learn new skills so we can make a start. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 3rd October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 3rd October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although the present focus could entice you to bend to others' will, at the same time you can question yourself if you get caught up in doing this. The Sun's contact with Saturn actually encourages you to be more matter-of-fact about your priorities. If you are completely honest about your intentions others are more likely to respect them and be co-operative. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The deep Pluto is involved in a cosmic alignment with Venus. Might you be minded to forgive and forget? This can be a positive aspect, but equally there may be a tendency to reflect on the details and become more emotional and stirred up. But if you can release this matter it might pave the way for an enlightened conversation that enables a fresh new start.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you have powerful points of view festering, you might worry that you'll upset friends or family if you talk about them. Be assured current influences gift you with the understanding of when to speak your truth and when to be diplomatic. Bearing this in mind, it's just as well to get it out in the open as you'll likely feel better for doing so and much freer too.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Venus's developing connection to Pluto could amplify the feelings you have for someone, especially if you are able to share some of your innermost thoughts with them. Yet, for you to do this you would also need to trust that they won't pass them on. Perhaps it's best for now not to give every last detail away. Enjoy the intimacy, but take your time too, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be time to get cracking with an idea you've got, Leo. As the Sun angles purposefully with the steadying influence of Saturn, application mixed with perspiration can work wonders. Despite this, you could still change your mind about the best way to tackle a key strand. This can be especially so if you are interacting closely with someone else on a project.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Moon's brief connection with both Mars and Venus suggests a conversation could have a hint of attraction about it, or intensify the feelings you already have for someone. Nevertheless, don't assume your values will match up quite as much, should you get to know them better. For now, it's probably best to have an open perspective about what this bond will mean.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Even though the Sun and Jupiter in your sign can spotlight your Libra qualities of tact and empathy, other influences this week have a more intense and searching quality. Avoid the classic trap of being too much of a people pleaser. Whilst your sensitivity is laudable, it's also very important to stay focused on what you want for yourself, more personally.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may find your desires intensify, particularly with the sultry Venus linking to Pluto, the planet of power. But do try to resist forcing a situation in order to make sure it works out as you want it to. This tendency could get even stronger over coming days, and you may have to grapple with the compulsion to satisfy your needs, with less thought for others.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

While you may enjoy the company of friends, you might also seek a deeper experience that can transform your life or outlook in some way. Perhaps your values are changing and you could feel out of sync with some, and even those you've known for a long while. Your horoscope suggests that should you have a tendency to avoid sensitive issues, this may be different and more profound, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

While you may see eye-to-eye with your friends, this might not be the case with a boss or someone in authority. What you need to consider here Capricorn is whether any battle you get into would actually be good for you in the long term. Whilst your instincts about an injustice may be spot on, when it comes down to it, think about your situation more pragmatically.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may have a big project that you'd like to accomplish over coming weeks, but with some potent influences in play, it might be best not to adhere to one outcome too rigidly. Look to think outside of the box, and you might find that there's more than one way to complete it. You also have an ongoing ability just now, to really analyse the value in certain scenarios.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you find yourself reluctant to discuss your feelings with loved ones, could this make life awkward? They might expect you to concur with them concerning a key issue. Much as you might prefer to say nothing, the coming days and with the Sun's penetrative link to change planet Pluto, may see the truth surface, whatever approach you decide to take, Pisces.