As the Moon in Scorpio forges a positive angle to cautious Saturn in Capricorn, we may not be quite so forthcoming about expressing our feelings.
We might prefer to wait until others have shared before making a stand and even then we could hold something back. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 31st December 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 31st December 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You might be ready to hit the ground running, and as 2019 dawns, this is exactly what you may do. For now though, with Mars in the last degrees of Pisces, this New Year's Eve may be perfect for letting go of those things you are happy to forget. Plus, if you have any loose ends to tie up, this is your chance. Tomorrow is a new beginning, and one you're more than ready for Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With a focus on expanding horizons, your mind may be on ideas and concepts that encourage a fresh perspective on life. Absorbing new information could prove so very inspiring, giving you the confidence to embrace new experiences. With 2019 on the doorstep, this is certainly the time to spread your wings, but also to be practical about how you will do this over coming months.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the New Year dawning, you may be thinking about money matters and any upcoming bills. If so, getting organized regarding your day-to-day finances can help you relax and enjoy the next few days relatively hassle free. In addition, with Mars now moving from Pisces to feisty Aries where it is very much at home, this proactive influence can see you ready for dynamic change.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Get ready for some intense conversation and watch as sparks fly. The Scorpio Moon entices you to liaise with your partner or others to get serious ideas off the ground. Meanwhile, if you're looking to date, Venus in your sector of romance, hints at a sensuous attraction and the potential for a delightful New Year's Eve. If this has been building for some time, it could finally take off.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As expansive Jupiter squares up to nebulous Neptune, this dreamy aspect could stir up feelings and unrealistic expectations. Coming into the New Year, this aspect is slowly building and can begin to influence romantic and financial matters. While it's great to think big, don't aim for the stars just yet. As the clock strikes midnight, it's best if your feet are firmly on the ground Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Dynamic Mars is preparing to leave the sign of Pisces and your relationship zone, and perhaps not before time Virgo. If your plans have recently taken second place to people's needs and wishes, you may be so ready for this shift. As 2019 gets underway, you can be a lot more protective of your time and resources which is good for you, though others may not like it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
On the cusp of the New Year, you may have big ideas that you are keen to get started on. With larger-than-life Jupiter urging you on, the future might look rosy. And it can be Libra, if you take one or two precautions. As Jupiter also angles towards elusive Neptune, you'll need to pin down those action steps rather than hope it will all be fine. Your horoscope suggests a more realistic outlook is very advisable.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Discussion and friendly conversation bring opportunities to plan and liaise. And if everyone agrees, you can make a good start on a key project. With 2019 almost here, this is one of the better times to firm up your intentions for the year ahead. The key is to be mindful of your money and other resources, and to invest it in those things that will bring a positive return.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be in the party spirit, and ready to celebrate Archer. A side of you though, may be in a thoughtful mood and inclined to spend some of the day pondering key issues that ideally need sorting out as soon as possible. Make a point of getting to grips with such matters when you have time. For now, there are friends to meet and a New Year to toast, so enjoy welcoming in 2019.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As down-to-earth and serious as you can be Capricorn, you may be entertaining a dream that you hope will come true. It may be as far away from your usual plans as you can get, but something you greatly aspire to. Don't underestimate the power of the mind to bring it within your grasp. It helps to understand what is possible though, as it could fall a little short of your perfect ideal.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As dynamic Mars prepares to move into your sector of talk and thought tomorrow, you may have big plans to announce as 2019 gets underway. You could feel in your bones that a new beginning is afoot, and be more than ready to embrace it. While there may be issues to resolve, doing so in baby steps can see you already making great strides, and this is something to be very proud of.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Ringing in the New Year, may be a serious business and an event you might have put effort into. Once all the preparations are complete though, be sure to relax and enjoy the night. Don't feel it is your duty to work behind the scenes while everyone else has all the fun. On another note, you may be excited by an offer you can't resist. Scrutiny is needed, as it's best not to rush into this.