The Moon in Gemini faces-off with Mars in Virgo which can make us irritable. And it may be the small things that get to us the most.
Finding a way to let off steam can help us to navigate through the day. A good walk or work out might help. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 2nd August 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 2nd August 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Rather than be held back by your limitations, be curious about them, Aries. With the healing power of Chiron on the field, it's time to question the hold they have over you and what you might do about it. Firstly, try not to give them too much attention, and instead focus on what you can do, on your creativity and your pioneering spirit. Plus, a chat with a friend could be helpful. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Need help to reorganize your workload? A dream or powerful insight could gift you with answers that if acted on, might make life easier. If it seems that there is nothing you can do, then think again. There are endless possibilities open to you, you just need to see them and act on them. Your time is valuable Taurus, so focus on activities that feed your best goals and dreams.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It can seem you have an insurmountable problem on your hands, but it might be the opportunity of a lifetime. If something isn't working, then you may have to think out of the box or get advice from someone who has overcome this issue. There is a way around it, and when you find out, you could wonder why you put up with this. This is likely the breakthrough you need.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You've got what it takes to enhance your income, although you might not feel this way over coming days. If there are financial constraints on you, these could seem burdensome. Yet if you're willing to try a new route, a fresh solution may resolve this matter very swiftly. It can involve a major learning curve and be uncomfortable, but it could bring relief fast, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Not everyone will like everything you do Leo, and you could feel this very keenly over coming days. Don't take it personally though, as it's a fact of life. If you have something major to accomplish, it might mean ruffling a few feathers in order to do what you have to do. Once others catch on and see what a success you're making of this, they may think very differently about it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With energy levels continuing to rise and jovial Jupiter spurring you on, things are looking up. You may have difficulties if you're sticking to a routine that's keeping you stuck in a rut. Are you craving something different but feel uncertain how to make it happen? Things won't change overnight, but gradual steps in the direction of your dreams can soon take you there, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The current star map is encouraging you not to be too hard on yourself, Libra. You may be blaming yourself for things that are going wrong, when it's nobody's fault in particular. Over this week, your horoscope reveals it's time to get things off your chest and share this issue with someone you trust. Their perspective can help you find a sense of balance, and find ways to help you to change things.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
In public, you may be very charismatic and appealing, and this can help you move forward with your plans. At home though, you might have reservations which could prevent you from doing as much as you'd like to take steps forward. Someone's remarks may be enough to inspire you to shift gears, and could act as a catalyst enabling you to move through any fears to success.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Is there anything you can't do, Archer? There may be one thing you have some resistance to, and you can be very aware of it over coming days. Perhaps it's your focus on the word '€œcan't'€ that makes it seem impossible. If you go for baby-steps, then it could get things moving. Just start with the easiest part of your difficult task, and soon enough, excellent progress will be made.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Have a brilliant idea? A desire to be careful with your cash could stop you in your tracks, and leave you feeling that it's out of reach. Start with what you can afford, as even a small beginning might lead to great things, Capricorn. You're generally known for your patience and perseverance, and a little of both may see you doing well over coming months and enjoying success.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While other people may be spurring you on, you could have doubts about how capable you are of achieving something. Even so, the current line-up suggests you might have no choice but to go ahead anyway. Focusing on the outcome you want can make it easier to get there. It will enable ideas to bubble up that might not have, if you're too aware of what could go wrong.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may seem that certain issues are too difficult for you to resolve yourself, in which case, don't try. It's better to reach out to someone, despite any uncomfortable feelings, as this will get things moving. If you've felt stuck for a long time, this state could continue until you do something. And progress hinges around this, Pisces. Don't keep putting this off. Make a point to start now.